Tea and Biscuits

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Chapter 4:

"Anyone would think that you were expecting me," Sebastian commented sarcastically as he walked into the head master of Weston College's office, behind Grell who had met him at the entrance.

"Sit down," Will ordered crisply and pointed to the chair opposite his desk.

"I would rather stand," Sebastian replied. His old habits as a butler still influenced him and he wouldn't sit and let his guard down in front of a pair of Grim Reapers anyway.

"Suit yourself."

There was a moment of silence as both sides waited for the other to speak. Sebastian broke it by asking a question.

"I heard that this school is fairly new compared to the original Weston College and only opened 3 years ago- I did some internet research. The uniforms are reminiscent of the old Weston College in the 19th Century; I was a teacher there in case you didn't know and my former master, Earl Ciel Phantomhive was a pupil there."

"That is correct," Will replied. "Due-"

"I designed the uniforms," Grell interrupted and did a twirl despite that fact he wasn't wearing one. "Do you like them Sebas-chan?"

"Sutcliffe. I was in the middle of talking," Will said and continued where he had left off. "Due to the increased quality of life and better healthcare in this era, there are not so many souls to harvest and when there is one, demons have a tendency to get them before us and we are not very busy nowadays. So, I decided to use my free time to set up a school."

Sebastian raised a sceptical eyebrow. "You have a lot of free time."

"I'm on an extended holiday due to my hard work and overtime over the past couple of centuries."

"Why Weston College of all schools to rebuild? Why is Ciel Phantomhive living again?"

"He just happens to have been reincarnated in this time period. I assume that he is dead as he has been reincarnated. Did you kill him?"

Guiltily, Sebastian bowed his head. "Yes, accidentally."

"That is your fault for acting recklessly. Now, there is nothing strange about reincarnated souls and we just happen to be here, in London on an extended holiday and Ciel Phantomhive happens to live here too."

"So someone like Grell managed to warrant an extended holiday?"

"I cleaned up my act," Grell protested.

"If you say so," Sebastian said doubtfully. "If there is nothing strange about this situation then I should be leaving."

He bowed and walked out of the office, not believing a single word that he had just heard.

At the same time as the demon and the Grim Reapers' conversation, Ciel Phantomhive and Alois Trancy were sitting in Ciel's bedroom on his bed with a tea tray between them.

Ciel sighed and picked up the flower patterned teapot to pour some tea into a matching fine bone china teacup. He then poured in a measure of milk and handed in to Alois before pouring one for himself.

"I really hate those Grim Reapers sometimes," he complained and sipped his tea. "They act as if they are superior and know everything. Then again, that suits me."

"If it wasn't for them, neither of us would have been born," Alois pointed out and took a gingerbread biscuit from the plate on the tray and dipped it in his tea.

"That is true. In any case, this situation has proved useful for my ancestor Earl Ciel Phantomhive."

"Have they noticed that you have the ring?"

Ciel undid the top two buttons of his school shirt and pulled out a silver ring with a blue shard of crystal which was kept on a silver necklace chain.

"No. They can't smell souls like demons can," he explained. "Or at least I hope they can't."

"I wonder if Sebastian Michaelis can smell it," Alois speculated out loud and took another gingerbread biscuit. "These biscuits are nice by the way; I've always liked your cooking."

"I think the fact that I have the ring is the only reason that he is following me around. According to my ancestor's journals, his soul was only coveted because he had experienced traumatic events which gave it a succulent taste. I haven't experienced anything like that so my actual soul should be quite normal."

"I wish my ancestor had left behind journals like that. Although according to the journals the other Alois Trancy wasn't very nice to your ancestor," Alois said sadly. "I'm sorry."

Ciel patted Alois' hand. "It's all right, Alois. It was your ancestor, not you. We are different people in personality."

Alois brightened and decided to change the subject. He didn't like to be reminded that the other Alois Trancy had ruined the other Ciel's life.

"Should we start our homework? I have a lot at the moment. Fortunately Mr Sutcliffe doesn't give us any," he said and dug in his school bag for his homework.

"He doesn't teach us, full stop. He's a Grim Reaper. Mr Knox doesn't exactly do a good job as a security guard either. They are just here to get Sebastian."

"Do you know why they want him yet and why they want him to make a contract with you?"

Ciel smirked and finished off his tea. "I have a very good idea from Earl Ciel Phantomhive's journals coupled with things that Spears has let slip. I think my idea is spot on."

Alois stared at him. "You're very confident. Pride comes before a fall you know."

That comment elicited a skeptical look from Ciel. "That won't happen. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that no one else knows about."

After his very unsuccessful meeting with William T. Spears, Sebastian decided to take a stroll around London to have a think about current matters in the fresh air. Although his primary objective was to see if Undertaker was still operating his business in the same location

He walked down some familiar dark alleyways, passing drug dealers and other petty criminals until he came to Undertaker's shop. The sign had been updated, but he was sure that there were more cracks in the walls and extra cobwebs.

The door pushed open with an eerie creak and Sebastian stepped into the dark interior, ready for the grey haired Grim Reaper to jump out of a coffin and scare him.

"Undertaker?" he called out. "Are you here?"

Something softly tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around to watch Undertaker jump out from behind the door.

"Heellooo Mr Butler, or are you just plain Sebastian now? Or are you Mr Demon?" Undertaker cackled.

"Sebastian is fine."

"Sebastian it is. So, why are you here? I haven't seen you in over a century," he said and closed the door and led the way to a selection of coffins which were lying on the floor. Sebastian now saw that the Grim Reaper was still dressed in his customary black robe with the same floppy hat.

"I'm here for some information on why Ciel Phantomhive is here."

Undertaker burst into laughter. "You're not sure if it's the demon or a reincarnation? Or something else completely? That's not like you."

"It seems that everyone else but me seems to know," Sebastian gritted his teeth, annoyedly. "He is surrounded by Grim Reapers and his best friend is Alois Trancy."

"Grim Reapers… Since seeing you in a tizzy is highly amusing, I will waive the usual fee and give you a few hints."

"Couldn't you just tell me everything?" Not knowing anything about what was going on was beginning to get on Sebastian's nerves.

"Nope, that would spoil the fun!"

Sebastian's mouth twitched. "If you must."

"That's the spirit! Now, what's your first question?"

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now