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Chapter 15

Ciel took a deep breath and filled his lungs. Tonight, his soul was going to be tied to a demon forever and he would never see any of his family or friends again. He knew that the reapers weren't just going to let him make the contract and walk away. He was probably going to have to stay in whatever realm the Grim Reapers lived in until he died.

He unbuttoned the top two button of his school shirt to ensure that he still had his ancestor's ring, an automatic reflex, as if he had lost it somewhere his plan would never work. Subtly, Ciel smiled, ironically he was going to end up exactly like the ancestor that he had once loathed- in contract with a demon.

Slowly and nervously, Ciel made his way down the hallways, taking small steps to prolong the short time that he had left as a free human. As he did the already grey sky darkened and it began to pelt down heavily with rain. Ciel smirked as he thought back to what he had said about Pathetic Fallacy that very morning.

"Young master Ciel, if you would like to see me, I'm in the library," the demon's voice called out to him, as if to mock his effort at delaying. "Your parents have gone out for the day so you don't have to worry about being overheard."

With bated breath, Ciel entered the library and brushed his hair out of his right eye. He stood opposite Sebastian and there was silence for a few minutes as they stared at each other.

Finally Sebastian broke the silence. "You're home early, didn't you have school today?"

"You know that I didn't; you committed the murder that caused the school to be closed."

"Whatever makes you think that I did that?"

"You're a demon," Ciel answered immediately without any hesitation. "You contracted with my ancestor and ended up killing him?" The other Ciel had written that he was going to goad Sebastian into killing him, but he didn't actually know what had happened as the journals had been written when his ancestor was still living in the human realm.

Sebastian picked up on the question and his eyes glinted a blood red. "Yes, I killed him."

"That was what he wanted. He had nothing left to live for and he wasn't happy with spending eternity with you."

Sebastian felt stung by the insult, but he realised that it was true. After his master had been turned into a demon, they had both changed and had treated each other with animosity and dislike.

"His last gift to you was his death," Ciel continued on. "It has given you freedom to do what you want and make other contracts, has it not?"

The demon was stunned by the words. The reason behind all the ridiculous requests that he had been given, had been that his demon master had been trying to goad him into killing him so he was free to make contracts again? The boy had clearly cared for him more than he had thought.

"Why would he do all of this for me?"

"Can't you see, Sebastian?" Ciel sighed in exasperation before continuing. "He asked me to give you a message."

The time had finally come for Ciel to carry out what his ancestor had requested him to do. He hadn't been looking forward to the moment as he felt very embarrassed saying and doing it, but now it gave him the means of persuading Sebastian to go to Weston College with him to make the contract.

"What did he want to tell me?" Sebastian held his breath in anticipation.

Ciel raised one eyebrow elegantly. "I will only tell you if you promise to come with me to Weston College tonight."

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now