It's Okay Frank

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   Gerard Way's Point Of View

   I looked around in shock.
   '' Don't panic, '' I told myself, '' Think Gee, think. '' 
   I grabbed a chair and rushed to the door. It look a few swings to break the glass but I managed to do that. I stepped through the frame trying not to stand in the shattered window. I didn't know where Frank could possibly be right now so I just ran in the direction of the north wing. I got stopped by Ray.
   '' Erm, Gee? '' he asked shocked, '' I just saw you walk that way! ''
   '' Shit, '' I whispered and sprinted in the direction Ray showed me.

   Frank Iero's Point Of View

   I turned around to see Gerard running towards me.
   '' Gee, what are you doing here? '' I asked surprised. He sighed with relief.
   '' What is it? '' I asked curiously.
   '' You wouldn't believe me, long story, '' he said catching his breath.
   '' We have a lot of time... '' I smiled. He then sat on the window sill and started telling me his weird story, '' And then he took out your photo and ripped it up then took out a gun and just grinned. He walked away so I had to get out of there and find you. '' 

   I looked at him with annoyance.
   '' And guess what happened to us, '' I started.
   '' What? '' he asked curiously.
   '' Jaspar rode a white unicorn into the ball room and the bride mistook him for santa, '' I smiled sarcastically. He sighed with annoyance.
   '' I told you you wouldn't believe me! '' he yelled.
   '' Gee, stop yelling, '' I raised my voice. He looked down helplessly.
   '' Have you been drinking wine again? '' I asked.
   '' No! '' he protested.
   '' Come with me, '' I sighed and lead him to the room where Emily was locked. I lead him inside.

   '' Frank, '' Gerard gasped. I kept quiet and walked out. I locked the door from the outside. There was no way he could get out of there.
   '' We'll talk when you're sober, '' I yelled through the door. I heard him curse and hit the steel door.
   '' I'm not lying! Frank let me out! '' he screamed.
   '' Come on Jaspar, '' I whispered and we walked back to the north wing. I called the security to tell Mr Ramon that Gerard got moved. I couldn't believe he was acting in such a childish way.

   We arrived at the library. The glass was in one piece and there was no sign of my photo of which Gerard talked about. We went in. The door was open. The sight was horrible. There was the body. A young house maid swung on a rope. There was a pool of blood underneath her body, blood still dripping. Her throat was ripped to pieces. Jaspar stood in front of her and looked up at the body then walked back to hug me with tears in his eyes.
   '' Did you know her? '' I asked. He nodded.
   '' She was my best friend in the orphanage, '' he cried. I walked up to her leaving Jaspar standing alone and observing. I noticed a little piece of folded card in her cold pale hand. I took it and unfolded it. It was one letter, written in blood. The white card said...

   '' xxx G xxx ''

   My eyes widened. I folded the card and shoved it into my pocket. How could Gerard do such thing? We walked to the security rooms where all the controls and recordings were. I asked for the recording from the library. Jaspar sat outside while I watched it in shock. There it was... Gerard dragging in the girl and tying the rope around her neck. It was all there. I couldn't believe that Gerard killed those 3 people. It was all on film. A single tear ran down my cheek. We went to our room after making sure that Gerard was still in the room we left him in. We brought him a few blankets for the night and went to sleep in our room. There was only the next day that we needed to be present at Royds Hall. I planned to leave in the evening.

   I sat up and wiped my eyes. The breakfast happened in silence and the day itself dragged terribly. We watched as the guests left. I also overheard Amy's conversation with one of them. Surely the guy was going nowhere without her. I felt guilty for leaving Gerard in the room for the rest of the day. I knew he'd manage it somehow and Mr Ramon would sort it out quickly. They couldn't hand Gerard over to the police... Mr Ramon would not even consider that as an option. I don't know what but something connected him and Gerard. All I wanted then was for this whole mess to clean up and for us 3 to leave this place. I went to fetch my bag from my room all ready to leave.

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