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3 Months Later

   Gerard Way's Point Of View

   ''Come on Jaspar, let's get home, '' I say finishing my cigarette. He looks up at me then back at the grey block of stone. I watch as he drops the bouquet of roses before it. Blood red roses. He traces the engravings in the cold marble with his finger. Engravings, letters and numbers spelling out a name, an age and two dates, birth and death. Slowly he walks towards me along the path winding amongst the green grass as the sun shines down on us. We sit in the car in silence.
   '' Gerard, '' Jaspar asks. I stop before I turn on the engine and retreat my hand to my side. I take off my sunglasses and turn my attention to him. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little black box. I look at it with a questioning glare.
   '' Take it. I should have gave it to you long ago.. '' he says and hands me the box. Slowly I open it to reveal a silver ring, with the beaute verte on it. The small green diamond complementing the pure silver. I look up at Jaspar.
   '' It really is beautiful, '' I say, '' S-So you had it all along.. ''  He nods. I shut the box and put it away carefully.

   I park the car outside our house.
   '' Come on, '' I say and get out. I walk to the front door hearing the passenger door close after Jaspar. We enter and kick our shoes off. 
   '' I'll be upstairs, '' Jaspar smiles and runs to his room. I slowly walk into the living room, the sunshine running through the windows and rests on my shoulder as I walk to the kitchen.

   I kneel on one knee taking out the little black box. My beauty spins to face me in his green apron. Surprise turns into a smile, and then a grin as he looks into my eyes. I open the box revealing the ring. His eyes feel up with tears before I even start to speak.
   '' Frankie,'' I smirk, '' Will you marry me baby? ''  


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