I Hear A Gunshot.

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   Gerard Way's Point Of View

   00:01 AM

   We went through so much.. And now we're stood here like sheep awaiting slaughter. I look up at Frank who is staring at the cold hard floor like a statue frozen in time. Time. Something that we don't have. Think Gerard, think.
   '' Okay.. '' I take a deep breath, '' Ray, analyze the recording and check the database for any matches. Matt, Bob, you're going to go and check the area around the house. It's code 2. MIkey, come here and help us. ''
   I walk over to the big table quickly and lean on my hands. Frank and Mikey join me quickly.
   '' So we know that this Emily is working for the guy. I knew she was trouble.. Anyways.. ''

   Jaspar Varn's Point Of View

   It was past 12 for sure when we started to watch the next movie. This one was apparently one of the scariest Ryan has ever seen. It was where some young adults play a computer game which turns into real life. Once they die in the game they die the same death in the real world. I found it quite amusing. The way the woman appeared and scared the shit out of a man who spent hours playing the game. It also showed how stupid people are. They sit for 10 hours straight in the middle of the night playing a horror game. No wonder they see things afterwards. My life was like that kind of game until everything got sorted out. I really doubted it ever would but then Gerard's gang caught us and Frank saved my life. They gave me a new home. A wave of guilt washed over me. I kept reassuring myself that it was normal for a teenager to rebel against his carers but even knowing that I couldn't help but feel guilty.

   Emily nearly fell asleep. She looked so adorable. Her little warm fragile frame against my body. I loved her with all my heart not really realizing that I had not so long ago broke hers making her mine and only. It was pretty much like a proposal maybe.. she survived.

   Gerard Way's Point Of View

   00:43 AM

   We discus every single detail of all the information we have. It's still not enough. Then I remember something. My papers, the documents. There is surely something we missed. And if there was something we have access to, it's those papers. Old documents and scraps of newspapers and letters. I rush over to the door feeling the glare of the present crew.
   '' I'll be back shortly, '' I shout and leave hearing the echoing, ''Wait, '' and, ''We don't have time, ''. I ignore them and get into the car starting the engine almost before I shut the door.

   Before I arrive at the house around 15 minutes pass. It would've taken less than that if I didn't take a wrong turn. 15 minutes wouldn't have been a big deal earlier on today but we have no time to waste. I get out of the car and jog to the front door looking through the keys in darkness. My hands shake with annoyance and anger as I try the wrong key and result in more searching and trying the same key twice before choosing the right one out of 4 possible choices.

   I take the drawer out and empty it onto the wooden floor of the living room. I start to shuffle through the papers and then when I think of giving up I see the headline..


   Jaspar Varn's Point Of View

   I got up and off the couch and wandered into the kitchen. My eyes were getting heavy. Maybe it was time for me to really get some sleep. I mean- I didn't sleep much the night before because I was up half of the night playing guitar hero with Frank and Gerard. I wouldn't exactly say Gerard was a guitar hero but he surely can sing. We did somehow manage to get through a few songs when we tried them all together as a 'band'. With Frank and me on guitar and Gerard singing. That week our band met at Ryan's house for the practise with Ryan's mum feeding us cookies and orange juice.. it wasn't such a bad day.

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