Clocks tick twice as fast on Halloween

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   Jaspar looked up and gasped. I looked at him and smiled sarcastically. 
   '' Anything to say Jaspar? '' I asked. He looked at me not sure if he should speak or not. I looked at Ryan who looked back at me fearfully. 
   '' Ryan, what exactly did Jaspar tell you? '' I questioned. 
   '' What about, sir? '' he gulped. 
   '' Me or Frank or him? '' 
   '' H-He only told me that he's adopted and that you live together. '' 
   '' And what else? ''  

   There surely had to be more to it. I was pretty sure that Ryan was Jaspar's best friend, probably only friend. Suddenly the door opened and out of it peeped the woman. She called Frank to join her. Frank jumped to his feet at once and went inside. The woman shut the door behind him as if hiding deepest secrets. Moments after came a scream and then another one and another. The lights flickered as Emily screamed her heart out. It was a lot later when everything quietened. To crying and sobbing at first and then there was just silence. Deafening silence. The door opened slowly and out came Emily followed by Frank and the woman. Emily was shivering. Her dress was stained with blood but she was no longer crying. After at least four hours... it was over. Jaspar stood up but she turned away as he took a step towards her. He took another step and she turned around. 

   '' Emily, '' he whispered. I stood up afraid that they would do something critical to each other. I saw what they were capable of. Jaspar walked up to here slowly. She turned to face him. They stood there for a while silent. Jaspar tried to take her trembling hands in his but she pulled away.  
   '' Don't touch me, '' she whispered looking into his eyes. The woman then led her to another room and out of our sight. Frank led Jaspar back to the table. They sat down.
   '' Is she okay now? What happened? '' I asked curiously. Frank looked up at me and then nodded at Jaspar.  
   '' She won't be okay until her heart stops bleeding, '' Frank answered. I looked at him confused. Jaspar looked away.  
   '' She's- erm.. how do I explain this.. She's sort of a nymph. '' he explained, '' You see.. Our Jaspar broke her heart. '' 
   '' But- And that's the reason for all this blood? '' I choked. Frank nodded. A nymph. Simple? No. I never suspected the world to be hiding anything other than vampires and werewolves. It turns out there's a lot more than that in Orlando. That explained how she got out of the room.  
   '' But why did these two want to kill each other then? '' I exclaimed sitting back in my chair. I could see Jaspar in a world of his, tears flowing down his cheeks. 
   '' That's normal, '' Frank smiled.  
   '' How the fuck is it normal?! '' I shouted. I took a deep breath and looked over at Ryan.  
   '' D-Do you need a ride home? '' I asked calmly.  
   '' N-No thank you, sir. I don't live far. I- I better get going, '' He answered quickly getting up and heading to the door. I wasn't sure weather Jaspar noticed Ryan leave. The woman came in and leaned in the doorway.

   '' How is she? '' Jaspar demanded turning her way. She smiled slightly. 
   '' She'll be alright as long as you two sort everything between each other. She won't be wanting to see you for the next few days but she'll be over it soon enough. All I need to know is if you love her or not. This isn't an ordinary girl, if you haven't already figured it out, '' she explained, ''What's her name? '' 
   '' Emily, '' Jaspar said standing up, '' I need to go and see if she's alright. '' Frank stood up with him and brought him back down to his seat. 
   '' Haven't you heard what I just said? '' the woman smirked, '' That's good that you want to see her but she doesn't want to see you. I'm sorry but you have to sit it through until she's fully recovered. For a nymph a heartbreak at this age can be critical. '' I felt as if I was in some sort of teenage drama romantic comedy movie. Heartbreaks, love and maths tests. But instead of maths tests and love there was hate and blood. I sat there for some time trying to make links. So Jaspar broke a nymph's heart and she cried blood. Why is it always blood? Does that mean Jaspar could drink her tears? There were so many pointless questions at that inappropriate moment. I didn't know if I should be happy that it's over, but then they would probably continue to try and kill each other, or sad that she cried and screamed so much and now Jaspar doesn't know what to do with himself. 
   '' I can't let her stay here even if I wanted to. The maximum days I can take care of her is today and that's it. I'm having some very important people coming over from across the country. I'm sorry but I can't help you anymore than this Frank. You will have to come and pick her up tomorrow, '' The woman explained.  
   '' But aren't they supposed to be kept separate from each other? '' I asked. 
   '' It's fine as long as she takes the first step. '' 
   I sighed with annoyance. Great...

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