Violence is the new Desire.

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   I hear a gunshot... And the rope isn't tight anymore. My body falls. My head is light and teh garden is swallowed by darkness. The water is still shimmering. The moon providing light on the stage where the scene is being acted out. I want to yell but my lips are dry and the words don't leave my mouth. Asleep or dead, I'm falling down.  

   Before my eyes a shadow passes just for a moment. For a split second it shields me from the moon's glare. My eyes do not follow. It takes time for my mind to register what it exactly was. 
   A figure.
   A man.
   The man from the photoshop.
   A blur.

   Then another shadow passes. I try to turn my head this time but before I manage to do so I hit the hard wooden floor landing on my elbows as my hands are tied tight behind my back. I lay without moving for a second longer. A second is all Mikey needs for the ropes to give way to his knife.
   '' Mikey! '' I gasp. His eyes meet mine. And then I realise, they made it before I could get myself killed with that stupid talk. He helps me get to my feet and sprints in the direction of where the shadows went. I stand there like a block of ice, staring.

   The door slams open and there Bob and Matt appear. They look at me and sigh with relief, Bob allowing himself a smirk.
   '' Which way did they go?! '' Matt demands. I point towards the end of the garden. Matt takes off at once leaving Bob just standing there next to me.
   '' How the hell did you just get caught like that? '' Bob smirks.
   '' I- I'm just tired that's all. W-Where's Frank? '' I ask.
   '' Oh he's not the one I'm worried about.. let's hope Matt holds him off from that guy, until we get to the base at least. That lover boy of yours will rip the motherfucker to shreds.. ''
   A grin appears on my face and I start walking towards the back of the garden with Bob following by my side.

   Soon enough we catch up. I cannot help but laugh. The man, I told him he gave himself a death sentence as soon as he dared to touch me, was helped up from the ground by Mikey. His face was smeared with blood, his hands were held behind his back by Mikey, his eyes screamed with fear. On the other side Matt trying to hold Frank in one place for one moment. I walk to the man who stares at me with pleading eyes.
   '' I told you, '' I smirk.
   '' Please sir! Please spare me! '' he begged. I shrug smiling and start walking back towards the house gesturing for the others to follow. I hear Matt let Frank go but in the corner of my eye I see him keeping close to his side and in between him and the man.

   We arrive at the base a good 10 minutes later. I sigh as we enter the big hall. We still have to find the diamond.
   '' Gerard. ''
   I spin around to face Mikey. 
   '' Oh yeah, throw him in a room or something. We have more important things to do.. '' I shrug. Frank follows Mikey leaving a few metres distance.
   '' Frank, '' I smirk. He turns around and walks towards me, annoyed.
   '' We need to question him first, '' I say. He rolls his eyes.
   '' You can have him after that, '' I add and a killer's smirk appears on his beautiful face.

   I turn back to walk to the big table and catch Ray grinning. I look up and our eyes meet, '' What's so funny? '' 
   '' Well, '' he begins resting his head on his hand smiling, '' I just had a call, guess who from? ''
   '' The guy? '' Matt gueses.
   '' Nope. Jaspar. ''
   Frank looks up from the papers suddenly interested as Ray continues, '' You better get your asses over there now. He said he has someone who tried to break in, and it wasn't to steal stuff. Turns out you're not a bad parent, Gee. ''
   I smirk and turn around. With Frank following me I get in the car. We drive off, just the two of us. We soon arrive at Ryan's house. Not knowing what to expect we quietly open the back door and walk in. The sight is almost as shocking as it is pleasing. A grown up man stood against the wall. The doors upstairs closed and probably locked. Jaspar and Ryan sat down on chairs. In Jaspar's hands, a gun. I recognise that gun and memories flood my head. I got it from Mikey on my 25th birthday. There on the couch, Emily lays fast asleep. As soon as he hears us enter the room, Jaspar stands up, keeping his eyes on the man and his gun held up straight he smirks, '' I let that motherfucker go nowhere. ''

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