21. Second Chance

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I remember when I sat beside Jimin's mother at his funeral. She was in pain, but trying to recover. Sure, seeing a loved one die scars you for life. Especially, if it's your son, that you carried for nine months in your womb. Gave all your pain and blood to let him live in this such awful, cruel world. And he never waited till graduation.

His father wasn't there. Mrs. Park said he died unpleasantly. He fell from a 10 story apartment, where his mistress lived. Bits of his brain were scattered all-over the ground floor. His body stayed in a morgue. Karma does move in mysterious ways.

The priest stands beside Jimin's coffin and clears his throat, "We are all gathered here to say farewell to our brother Park Jimin and give him to the hands of God."


3 years after Jimin's death

I sits on the bar stool near the counter and order an caramel macchiato once I enter the café. I look around the café out of boredom. The café is filled with chatters and has a soft jazz playing in the background. I tap my foot and fiddle with my fingers as I lick my bottom lip.

"How are you, son?" Mr. L speaks beside me. I am surprised and I fall off the chair. I thought I was alone.

"I'm fine, sir. I got into a University. And you, sir?" I say as I try to sit back up on my chair.

"Never been better." He laughs softly.

"But I don't think you're doing well. There is this wound inside you that's not healing, I can feel it." He says. I sigh. There is a silence between us.

"You got me." I nervously laugh. He grins.

"So what is it?" He places his hand on my knee. Then realization hit me.

"Wait, You can see now?" I wave my hand in front of his face. I am surprised and happy at the same time. He holds my wrist to stop me.

"Yes." He smiles. "And you're more of a good looking man than I expected."

"Thank you, sir." I say shyly.

"No worries. I really meant what I said." He brings his eyeglasses down.

"So, what is it?" I look around the restaurant.

"Can we go somewhere where no one can hear?" I ask him politely.

"We can go in that booth. Only few people are eating there." He suggests. I go to the booth with him behind me. I sat in it. I put my elbow on the table while he sits across me. I watch the people walking their dogs in the street through the glass wall or just people having casual chats with their friends.

"Do you... by any chance, regret something that you once did." I say out of the blue.

"Everyone do things that they love, we aren't just aware of what will be the consequences, that's the time we regret the things we did." He sips his coffee.

"Do you regret anything?" I ask him.

"Nothing, really. How about you, do you regret anything?" He admits.

My memories with Jimin come flashing back inside my head. The way his eyes squinted when I made him laugh. The way he giggled when I told him jokes and when I was being silly. The way he touched my skin, it brought tingles on every inch of my skin like mild electricity. The way we kissed, it always felt like the first time.

"I just wish that I fought for our love and not jumping into conclusions and believing what he was saying. If I could just turn back time." I sob.

"I'm sure that he loved you and he will never forget you." He puts his hand above mine.

"I hope." I look down.

"What if you had a second chance?" His question makes me think. What if I had a second chance? I look up at him.

"If I could get a second chance. I won't mind what people will say. I will fight for us." I sniffle.

"Second chances shouldn't be wasted, child." Mr. L says. I nod.

"Bye Namjoo! Thank you for taking my shift. I owe you my life." A guy shouts and it catches my attention. His voice is so familiar and it makes me feel like I am home again. I quickly turn my way to where the voice came from and my eyes widen in shock. I'm so shocked that it feels like the time suddenly stopped. I watch him exit the café. He looks exactly like Jimin. I saw him being buried six feet under the ground. How? Was I just hallucinating the whole time?

"Are you gonna follow him or just sit there?" Mr. L says, making me come back to my senses. I didn't notice that I zoned out.

"Here's you're order, sir." The waiter says beside me.

"Can you please drink this as a 'thank you'?" Mr. L smiles and nods. I come chasing for 'Jimin'. I won't waste this chance this time. I search for him on the sidewalk. I see an orange-haired guy walking few meters away from me.

"Jimin!" I shout, but he doesn't turn around. I run to him.

"Jimi---" I try to catch my breath. Thank God that he is just walking slowly and I manage to catch up. I tap his shoulder. He removes his earphone and turns around to face me. My eyes widen. It is really him but he looks different. He's wearing eyeglasses. His hair is dyed orange. But deep in my heart, I know it's him.

"Wow. You look different, a good different." I stare at him. He looks so beautiful than ever. I will never get tired looking at that face. He smiles and gives me a confused look.

"Thank you, but I'm sorry, do I know you?"


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