Chapter 24 (Caroline's Parents)

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Words isn't always the way to answer

Chapter 24 (Carlone's Parents)

*Harry's POV*

I was at Caroline's parents house with Louis, I know her parents must be worried sick about her. I knocked on the door and soon after the door opened by a really small woman who looked devastated. Her eyes bloodshot red, then a tall masculine man stood behind her. To me he actually looked a bit scary.

"Who are you? Another pair of kids from her school who wants to say sorry?!" The man said angrily and I think it's her dad.

"No, you see mr. Peterson, your daughter won't come back anytime soon" I said making Louis let out a moan for clearly how pathetic I was. But they're sad I can't be to harsh on them.

"What do you mean? Come inside please" The woman said leading us into the kitchen.

"Sit down please" The man said and we sat opposite them.

"We're were good friends with Caroline and what happened to her was sad. It must hurt loosing your daughter that way" I said and both of them looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean! Caroline was home just two weeks ago, but then just left, she's just missing" The woman said.

"Mrs. Peterson, your daughter died a week ago" I said and tears start streaming down her face.

"H-h-how?" She said looking at both of us.

"We found her in the woods, drained in her her own blood. I know it's horrible but-" Louis said and mr. Peterson cut him off.

"I don't believe you two! You can just be two pranksters, how do I know you tell us the truth?" He said, his voice high scaring me.

"Patrick! They're telling the truth, I can see it in their eyes" The woman said.

"I'm so sorry it ended this way but we can't bring her back" I said standing up from the chair.

"We're truly sorry" Louis said mimicking my movements.

*Richard's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes, the view blurry. I was still in the cell where I had tied Lana to the chair, I slowly stood up to be seeing she was gone. How the heck did I pass out?! Oh no! They've found witch hazel, oh I hate these damn people! I ran up seeing Rita playing with a small bottle in her hands. I big grin plastered on her face.

"Why are you so fucking happy?" I growled at her making her jump in her seat.

"Oh look my father is awake!" She said teasingly.

"Haha super funny Rita, what is it in the bottle?!" I growled again.

"It's a cure that Lana needs to be cured, you know Louis is so easy to trick" She said spinning the bottle on the table.

"You're a good girl sister" I said but then Remus burst into the room.

"ARE YOU TWO REALLY THAT STUPID?!" Remus yelled at us.

"WHAT?" Both me and Rita yelled at him.

"HARRY'S BLOOD IS ANOTHER CURE! HIS BLOOD IS PURE AND CLEAN! HE'S PURE GOOD HE HAS NO EVIL IN HIMSELF!" He yelled at us and it hit me, we've never got Harry on our side and we'll never will. I'll start war against them it's time!

"IT'S TIME NOW! THE WAR IS COMING!" I said harshly.

*Lana's POV*

I stood in the shower looking down at the scars Richard made on my body. His words still echoing in my head.

'I'll kill you soon enough Lana, you just wait for the war day! Just wait!'

His harsh words was still hurting me inside. I turned the water off and dried my body with a towel. I put on a shirt and jeans. Drying my hair with the towel making it a bit more curly than usual. I walked out to the living room and two familiar girls caught my eyes. Their dark brown long curly hair flowing down their backs, their lovely laughter filling my ears together with Caroline's. This must mean its Rosé and Peach. I walked out from my 'hiding place' and stood beside Niall in the doorway.

"Why're they here?" I whispered to him.

"They're going to help us either you like it or not" He whispered back making me furrow my brows at him.

"How can two humans help us?" I asked sassily.

"Oh your sass is back, I like that" Louis said making me jump.

"LOUIS! Don't scare the hell out of me!" I said to him hitting his shoulder playfully, he pretended it hurt and fell to the floor.

"LANA! You can't hurt me that way! That hurts!" He said, laughing after it and stood up again. Making me shake my head at him. He leaned his arm on my shoulder and the other on Niall. I looked over to Caroline who gave me death glances, she didn't think me and Louis?! What?! No no way! 

"Where's Harry?" Louis asked.

"I thought he was with you?" I said.

"He was but he wanted to go back to you after our visit to Caroline's parents" Louis said starting to get worried. Panic hitting me right into the chest.

"I hope Richard don't got him!" I said making everyone to look at me.

"Why would he want Harry again, it's you he wants right?" George said.

"I think Remus overheard us" I said looking at Louis and his eyes shot wide open.

"Excuse me?!" Caroline said angrily.

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter and I'm sorry it's a bit late but I got stuck on it, but I hope it's good. Love you my lovelies! :*

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