Fifteen -- Maya.

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Wow, two chapters in two days? I suppose ya'll deserve it after that long break.

(What I'm listening to: Crossfire -- Stephan)

~ Peaches


"Hello, young ladies. I know this may seem a little sudden to ask, but you seem as if you don't. Do you have somewhere to stay?"

I look at Riley, who stares right back at me. We've been sitting on the street corner for at least an hour, and this man is the first person to give us anything but a dirty look.

Riley nods slowly, a sign that she trusts the man, trusts that he won't hurt us. Then she breaks eye contact with me, looking up at him. "No, Sir, we have nowhere to stay. You see, we had money, but it was stolen from us in the night, and now we have no way of buying food or getting a motel room for the night." 

The man smiles a little. "Well, if you don't care, I wouldn't mind letting you both stay with me for a while."

In her happiness, Riley lets out a small, adorable laugh. "Thank you, Sir."

"It's no bother, you two shouldn't be out on the street. Anyway, I was just heading home, so if you want, you can come along now."

We walk hand-in-hand behind the man as he makes his way down the sidewalk, none of us saying a word until he asks a question. "If you don't mind me asking, what are your names?"

"Maya and Riley," I answer, quickly mouthing "no last names" to Riley.

"Ah, those are quite pretty names," the man responds, turning to flash us a friendly smile.

"Thank you, Sir. And your name?" Riley asks.

"You can call me Feeny."


I just....... wanted to end it there.

So I did.

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