Twelve -- Riley.

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I might start two new things soon -- one will be a book for all the things I typically put in author's notes (so you can read that if you really care about my dumb life), and the other will be a 'kin diary of sorts (for if you care about that part of my dumb life xD).

(What I'm listening to: I Don't Speak Human -- Omnia)

~ Leaf/Akita


I stare at Maya, holding my breath, waiting for her reaction to my idea of running away together.

We're both sitting up now, and Maya just returns my stare. Finally, after what feels like hours, she breathes out a quiet, hardly audible response.

"Okay. Now?"

We have to get out of here quick, before my parents can send Maya away. "Yes. Now."

Maya spends a few minutes explaining to me how she first climbed in through my window, a strategy that we're going to use to climb out (without falling from the second floor and breaking something).

When I land in the grass outside the house, I start to think that maybe this was a bad idea. But the smirk on Maya's lips as she grabs my hand and starts to run changes my mind.

The first place we go is somewhere to sleep -- the local homeless shelter. Although neither one of us look homeless, both wearing clean, new clothes.

We curl up on a bed together, and I can't help but smile. The fact that we're now, kind of, officially homeless, doesn't even matter to me. Because I have Maya, and I'm not going to lose her.

I wrap my arms around her tighter, not ever wanting to let go. Planting a small kiss on the top of her head, I murmur an "I love you" into her blonde hair.

"I love you, too, Riley."

And, for the first time, I'm perfectly content with my life.


It's funny because this is good and happy things.

I challenge happiness to a duel.

(That doesn't make any sense, what am I even saying?)

"I take the happy characters and push them to their breaking point." ~ Me

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