Happy New Year

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Chapter Two: Happy New Year


Of course my internet had to cut out just as I was getting to know Jasmine better. At least I got to wish her a Happy New Year and 20th birthday; she was unlike any girl I'd met online or offline in a long time. I was about to close Omegle when a message popped up on my chat, Jasmine had sent me her number. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I typed her number into my phone.

"Dan, are you coming back to the party?"

Phil pops his head around my bedroom door; he was sporting a party hat. I didn't realise just how long I'd been browsing the internet and talking to Jasmine until now.

"Why are you suddenly happy Dan?"

I close my laptop and slide it back under my pillow before chuckling and throw a cushion at my annoying flatmates head.

"Why, am I not allowed to be happy Phillip? How's the party going?"

Phil cocks his head to the side, not quite buying what I was selling. But for now he seemed satisfied, he'd planned the New Year's party last minute and was proud at the amount of youtubers who were able to show up.

"Everyone's a little drunk and merry. Happy New Year by the way Dan."

"Happy New Year Phil."

I get up off the bed and straighten the black dress shirt Phil had forced me into earlier, even though this was a party I still needed to wear my signature colour which was black, like my soul. I'd message Jasmine in the morning, but for now I needed to celebrate with my friends.

As soon as I enter the living room a drunken Chris throws his arms around my shoulders and kisses me sloppily on the cheek. Luckily his fiancé Rachel was close by to intercept before Chris could go for my lips.

"Sorry Dan, I think Chris has had one too many. Don't feel special, he's tried to make out with everyone and succeeded in smooching PJ on the lips."

"Wow, Rachel who knew you were engaged to a man whore."

She shoots me a colourful gesture. She was a great girl and I was happy how she and Chris bought out the best in each other, I wanted a relationship like that. Maybe Jasmine could be my Rachel. Phil guides me around the happy couple, I kind of wanted to find PJ and ask how good of a kisser drunk Chris was.

"Picture time boys, everyone get in and say cheese!"

Carrie pops up in front of us holding a camera and wearing a pair of novelty New Year glasses. Next thing I know I'm being surrounded and smushed together by my YouTube friends.


Multiple photos were taken before I found myself posing next to Phil, Chris and PJ otherwise known as the Fantastic Foursome. The fans were going to eat these pictures up once they made their way onto Tumblr, I could already imagine the fanfictions and imagines.


I scroll through Instagram after crawling out from under the dining room table. My friends were still very much out of it and persuaded me to take a few shots with them in the kitchen out of egg cups, because all the shot glasses had been broken and no one was taking the blame. I followed Dan on Instagram and smiled as he uploaded pictures of his party, god it would be amazing to meet some of them. Why couldn't I be having a good time at my own party?

"I love you so much Jasmine...hey you're name sounds like that one Disney princess...I think I need another drink before you take me away on your flying carpet..."

Lauren kisses me sloppily on the cheek before stumbling back towards the kitchen where a loud round of cheers suddenly erupts, at a volume which could shatter ear drums. I didn't think Lauren needed to drink anymore, but she probably wouldn't listen to me in her state anyway.

I try my best to avoid my other drunken friends and Lauren's younger brother who had his own friends over as I make my way into the dimly lit living room, which was the designated sleep zone. People were already starting to drop like flies all over the furniture and floor. A music channel was playing at a low volume on the TV in front of me; it was showing a countdown of the greatest songs from the year before. The New Year had only just begun; I didn't need to be reminded that last year was really over because it had been okay for me.

I claim one of the sofas and curl up in the corner throwing some random blanket over my lower half, I couldn't be bothered to change out of my dress and take off my makeup which would be an attractive sight in the morning. Social media was calling to me, it helped me fall asleep despite scientists saying staring at a screen before sleeping messed up your sleeping pattern,

However as I opened Tumblr on my phone a niggling part of my brain suggested that I could clean up my account as well as my Twitter tweets. Because I had a slight YouTube obsession and if Dan ever wanted to internet stalk me I didn't need him being scared off. YouTube was my escape, and well I wanted to keep my super fan to a bare minimal.

Once my accounts were clean, I open Wattpad and continue reading the Kellic smut I'd started reading this morning. If I wasn't going to celebrate New Year with my friends, then maybe I could spend it reading fanfiction. God I was a loner, I just needed to get back to London where I felt more comfortable.

~2 Hours Later~

Just as I was nodding off after completing the dirty fanfics, Lauren fell onto the sofa next to me smelling of booze and smoke. I sigh and throw the rest of the blanket I'd been snuggled under over my drunken friend. If she threw up on me during the night she'd have hell to pay when the sun comes up.

"You're a great friend Jasmine...but you need to lighten up a little...you use to be fun...nighty night..."

Before I could respond Lauren fell into a deep slumber, and I knew from past parties that she wouldn't remember what she said in the morning. I had my own sense of fun which wasn't to everyone's taste, and I had a reason why I only drank to my limit. I brush my fingers through Lauren's hair and try to keep the tears back.

"I love you to Lauren."

Next to my head my phone vibrates, I look at the screen and see a message off an unknown number.

Unknown: Thought I'd check to see if you gave me a dud number Jasmine...It's Dan Howell by the way, your Omegle boy x

I had to keep my laughter to a minimal as to not wake anyone in the room. I decided to save Dan in my contacts as 'Omegle Boy' before responding.

Jasmine: Why hello Omegle Boy, yes this is Jasmine. I never give out a false number unless you're come creep in a club x Now the both of us need to sleep x speak tomorrow...which is technically today since it's past midnight...

Omegle Boy: Fine mother I'll go to sleep like a good boy x speak in a few hours...I think I need to sleep off the alcohol x

I scoff at his mother comment before typing a response and turn off my phone.

Jasmine: You're older than me Daniel x

Now sleep overcame me, at least I'd get a couple hours of shut eye before everyone woke up demanding breakfast. This had been a New Year/Birthday I wouldn't forget any time soon.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now