Omegle Boy?

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Chapter Five: Omegle Boy?


Well, this was awkward. I mean awkward in a good way if that was even a thing. Neither of us knew what to say to the other, it was a lot easier to communicate with a screen in between us. Then I notice the prints in Dan's hands, he was going to buy some of my photos.

"Do you like my photos, Dan?"

He laughs, "I do. They're dark like my soul. You captured my soul Jasmine."

"Impossible Daniel, I saw your monster pops video and if I recall you kind of already ate your soul."

Dan gasps rather loudly and starts to dramatically claw at his chest earning a few odd looks from people around us. They already didn't accept me, so why try and beg for their approval. Dan made me smile for the first time tonight.

"Well I'm not dead yet Jasmine, so I don't really need a soul."

I laugh and pick up my phone to calculate how much the prints would come to. I didn't want to charge Dan anything, but it would reflect well on me if I could show my university that people were willing to pay for my photos.

"That will be eighty pounds for the four prints. I don't want to charge you Dan, but it will reflect better on me when I go back to university."

"Don't apologise, Jasmine, I understand you want to make a living off your photography. So I'm going to buy a fifth print to break a hundred. You have a real gift with a camera."

Dan pulls out his wallet and I put the prints in a bag before he hands me £100. It might not seem like a lot of money to most and was probably pocket change to Dan but in my eyes, it was a small fortune.

"Thanks, Dan. By the way, how did you hear about this event? No offence but you don't seem that into art.

Dan scratches the back of his head and glances around the room as if he was looking for someone. When he can't find them he turns back around to face me.

"My friends wanted us to finally meet face to face. Rachel found this exhibit and bought two tickets. Her fiance Chris couldn't come, and my flatmate Phil mysteriously had plans so Rachel dragged me along and well I bumped into you."

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Hi, you must be Jasmine I'm Rachel."

An energetic girl pops up next to Dan, I recognise her from videos with Crabstickz. This was Rachel Watts, she was kind of amazing and now I got to meet her as well as Dan.

"Hi, Rachel. I heard you masterminded this meeting."

I shake her outstretched hand and she beams a huge smile.

"Now I'm going to love and leave you children, but first I'm going to buy some of your prints because no one else catches my eye. Plus Chris is always complaining we need to have something hanging over the TV and dining table."

I was about to tell her my photos weren't that good but she was already rooting through the available prints. I move aside and let her do whatever she wants while Dan smirks and shakes his head.

"I remember when we met this kind of shy girl in a bookshop, Jasmine. Now we've created a loud monster."

Rachel shoots Dan a colourful gesture before getting back to her feet with three prints in her hands, luckily they were different to Dan's so wouldn't clash. Rachel pays, gives a little bow before disappearing back into the crowd.

"Err Jasmine, would you maybe like to get coffee with me sometime? Just so we can get to know each other better. I mean, only if you want to."

Dan looked and sounded nervous at the same time. Though it took me a few seconds to register that he was asking me out to get coffee, the most cliche of dates but it was a good cliche.

"I would love to Dan. Maybe we can go to my friend's cupcake shop, Sarah makes the best cupcakes and the coffee is also good."

Dan nods, "sounds good Jasmine. Hopefully, Sarah's a better baker than Phil and me."

I roll my eyes, anyone was a better baker than Dan and Phil, but I'd still sign a petition online to make DanAndPhilBAKES a reality. Something about their baking videos made me smile even on the crappiest of days.

"I'm pretty sure she is Dan. Now about we get ourselves another drink?"

"Now you're speaking my language, Jasmine, you stay here with your display in case anyone wants to talk about your awesomeness."

Dan was a charmer and knew all the right things to say. He walks off in the general direction of the bar leaving me alone with my thoughts and display. It was like once people saw Dan and Rachel buying my prints, suddenly they were all interested in my photos. As long as they nothing but nice things to say and spent some money I'd be thrilled.

"Someones suddenly little miss popular over here. I got you some classy champagne because you're a fancy photographer."

Dan reappears just as I was starting to get slightly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people swarming my display. He's able to put me at ease. In between people buying my prints Dan and I get to know each other better. To think it was awkward earlier, but now the conversation flowed naturally just like it did when we had a screen in between us.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now