Cupcake Date

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Chapter Six: Cupcake Date


It took until four days after the exhibition for Jasmine to be free for our coffee and cupcake date. Apparently, her photos went down a storm as the night went on and she managed to sell all her prints which had made her a mini celebrity amongst her peers on campus. So she had a lot going on with her education currently so I fully understood she put before her social life. I tried to relate but then I remembered that I'd dropped out of university to pursue YouTube.

She sent me the address of the cupcake shop which was ironically called 'Sarah's Cupcakes' because the owner was called Sarah and she was well-known around town for her signature cupcakes. Phil went a little red in the cheeks when I mentioned the shop, apparently, he went in almost every day to buy a different cupcake. Not just because he had a sweet tooth, but because he had a small crush on Sarah. I couldn't wait to tell Jasmine who could hopefully put in a good word for Phil with Sarah.

Approaching the shop I saw why Jasmine had picked it for our date. It was just off the beaten path so was quite quiet unless you were a Londoner and knew where to look. Jasmine didn't want fans to catch us together and start rumours, she wasn't one for attention and didn't want to put me through the hassle despite me being use to all the rumours online.

A bell chimes above the door as I step inside the shop which looked like it had vomited cheap chic mismatch vintage furniture, but in a good way which made the whole shop look and feel unique and one of a kind. Sarah had good taste, quite similar to Jasmine.

"Hi, you must be Dan. I'm Sarah, Jasmine is running a bit late but please pick any table and I'll bring you over two menus."

A wide-eyed quite busty blonde pops up out of nowhere and motions around her, she was like a Rachel 2.0 but also the stark opposite of quiet Phil. But then I notice she was wearing a lion necklace, bracelet, ring and even earrings which explained why Phil might like her if they shared the same spirit animal.

"Err thanks."

I sit down next to the window and Sarah puts a menu in front of me before skipping back towards the counter. She was slightly quirky, maybe she could help bring Phil out of his shell. As I start to scan the menu the bell chimes above the door and in enters Jasmine looking slightly flustered as if she'd run here.

"Hi Dan, sorry I'm a bit late. I swear they only do work on the underground when they know I need to be somewhere."

She takes the seat opposite me and takes off a MUSE hoodie which made me like her that little bit more because she had good taste in music.

"I literally just got here myself. I met Sarah, she's a character. By the way when I told Phil where I was coming he blushed and admitted to liking Sarah, apparently he comes in here a lot and buys different cupcakes."

Jasmine squeals, "that's too cute Dan. They'd be so good together, oh my god we need to get them together. But today is about us, not them."

I nod in agree and go back to scanning the menu. However Sarah reappears within seconds, that girl had to be a ninja or something.

"You two look cute together. Nice shirt, by the way, Jazzy, where'd you get it?"

I glance at the t-shirt Jasmine was wearing and notice a familiar print, she'd taken one of her cemetery photos and transferred it onto a shirt and put a negative effect over the top to look kind of creepy. Jasmine tugs at it and shrugs her shoulders.

"I really liked this photo, I love all things dark and goth so decided to try and put it on a shirt somehow. This is the finished result, is it okay?"

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now