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Chapter Thirteen: Recovery


I was sat in between Jasmine and Chris's hospital beds, we'd managed to persuade the hospital to put them in the same room because of privacy issues and not wanting it to get out to fans that they were both in hospital after being attacked. Rachel sat next to me trying to keep a strong face when all she wanted to do was cry her eyes out because Chris was her fiance after all. Sarah, Phil, and PJ were also here, taking it in shifts just in case either of them woke up.

"Hello, this is a big group of people. I'm Doctor Scott and I'm Chris and Jasmine's main doctor."

Rachel and I turn our attention towards the doctor who'd just walked in holding a clipboard.

"Do you have any updates for us?"

The doctor sighs, "Jasmine should wake up very soon because her head injury is less severe that Chris, who has some swelling on the brain which we need to keep monitored so we'll be keeping him in an induced coma for the time being."

I didn't want to show my happiness that my girlfriend would wake up soon when Rachel had just been told Chris was being kept in a coma. I rub her back and she breaks down crying, the reality finally hitting her.

"I think I need a moment, guys."

She gets up and leaves the room quickly, Phil and PJ get up to follow her. Rachel wouldn't do something stupid, but she was emotional and needed someone that wasn't me or Sarah to comfort her.

"I feel awful Dan, I should have gone in before Chris."

Sarah was beating herself up in the corner, she was the only one to come out of this unharmed. I get up from my chair and sit down in Phil's vacated seat next to her and cuddle her.

"Chris likes to play the man card, he would have been devastated if it was you and Jasmine in those beds. You can't blame yourself, Sarah, whoever the attacker was is to blame."

She sniffles, "I want the Police to find this bastard so he can pay for his actions."

"The Police are actually outside. I've been keeping them away while we ran some tests, but they'll probably want to talk to you, Sarah. I can call them in while your other friends are out if you like."

Sarah nods and the doctor leaves the room. The Police were becoming very familiar with our small group. The hospital door opens and in walks two officers who were working Jasmine's case.

"Hi, you must be Sarah. I'm Officer Dean and this is my partner Officer Briggs. I'm sorry we have to meet in these circumstances but can you tell us what happened in the flat?"

We shake both their hands and they sit down in the free chairs. Sarah's breath hitches and I squeeze her hand telling her I wasn't going to leave her side.

"Jasmine had to return to the flat so I accompanied her, then Chris came in to get some wedding cake samples and decided to come with us so two girls weren't going alone. Chris went into the flat first and when I heard a thump I told Jasmine to wait outside, I entered the flat and saw Chris lying on the floor with blood coming from his head so I screamed for Jasmine to call an ambulance. A shadowed figure ran past me and out of the flat so I went to check on Jasmine who was passed out on the floor with blood coming from her head. So I called an ambulance and the Police and waited with their bodies until help arrived."

It was lucky Sarah wasn't hurt in the process because no one might have found the three of them for a good couple of hours then their injuries would have been more life threatening. The Police jot down Sarah's story while I continue to squeeze her hand reassuringly.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now