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*Final Chapter*

Chapter Eighteen: Graduation



I'd booked out a hotel room to get ready for my graduation ceremony. I'd checked in the night before and was enjoying having some alone time away from Dan and Phil who I lived with twenty-four seven. I'd run myself a nice bath the night before and pampered myself to make sure I looked my best for when I accepted my degree.

Three years had passed by so quickly. I'd made some good friends and in other cases enemies and stalkers. But that was all behind me now, I had a first degree with honours with my name written on just waiting to be picked up and possibly framed if Dan would let me.

Finishing off my hair and makeup, I slip into my black and white chequered knee length halter neck dress and force myself into a pair of uncomfortable heels which would look nice with my dress. I'd put up with the pain for a few hours. I was a trainer kind of girl.

Someone knocks on my hotel door, and before I can open it the person slides a key card in and in waltzes Dan with Phil behind him. I thought I had the only key card to the hotel room, but Dan had probably gotten himself one from the reception.

"Damn my girlfriend is hot as fuck."

I blush at Dan's crude compliment and give him a little twirl to show off my full outfit.

"Do you like my dress, Dan?"

Dan nods, closes the gap between us, grabs me around the waist, dips me back like you see in old-fashioned romance films, and kisses me quite passionately. Well, that was one way to say he liked how I looked.

Behind him Phil makes gagging sounds, "I'm happy we took a few days off the US tour so you could get your degree Jasmine, but I didn't come here to have my innocent eyes defiled by your romance."

I shoot him a colourful gesture and laugh, "I'm pretty sure your girlfriend is coming into the hotel in like ten minutes Phil so stop pouting. You can make out with her as much as you want."

Phil shakes his head and grins while Dan pulls away from me, still keeping an arm around my waist.

"Do you know what this means Dan?" Phil questions.

Dan shakes his head, "What does what mean Phil?"

Phil laughs, "Jasmine is a graduate and you're a dropout."

I laugh along with Phil while Dan pouts like a kid next to me. Just then Dan picks up one of my pillows and throws it at Phil's head. Phil ducks out of the way and gasps dramatically before bending down to retrieve the pillow. Seriously, this was my graduation day and the two of them were going to have a pillow fight in my hotel room. But they were my two idiots, and my money was on Phil winning because Dan always undermined him.


"Congratulations Jasmine."

I walk across the stage when my name is called out wearing a big smile on my face knowing the whole ceremony was being recorded like they usually were. I shake my lecturers' hand, before shaking the hand of the guest speaker who handed me my degree.

Once off the other side of the stage, I let out the breath I'd been holding, I was now an official graduate.

The rest of the degrees were handed out rather quickly and I was ecstatic to get out of the building so I could take off my heels.

"Oh my god I'm so proud of my little Jasmine being all grown up."

Phil squeezes my cheek like a doting parent. Dan walks up to him and slaps his hand away before pulling out his phone to document the day.

"Say hello to the viewer's babe, tell them how you're feeling right now."

Dan and I had recently started a joint vlogging channel which was picking up steam and subscribers. This was a day I wanted to document, but right now something else was on my mind, or better yet someone.

"Who you looking at Jasmine?"

I point over Dan's shoulder and he and Phil follow my finger and both their eyes widen. Mitch had been released in order to get his degree. We don't make eye contact and I didn't want to.

"Can we get out of here guys?"

They both nod and Dan puts his phone away immediately takes my hand, and the three of us walk away into the crowds. We didn't want any drama today of all days.

Once away from the crowds the three of us sit down on a bench. I take off my heels and Dan hands me a pair of flats he had in his backpack for when my feet were bound to start hurting. He really was a thoughtful and caring fiancé.

"You're the best, Dan."

He smiles, putting my heels in the bag.

Phil nudges my shoulder, "what do you want to do now Jasmine? This day is all about you."

I shrug my shoulders, "can we just order pizza, get into comfy clothes, and pig out in front of the TV?"

Phil puts his hand over his heart and fakes swoons, "Dan you've found yourself the perfect girl. I'll order the pizza."

Dan and I chuckle at Phil's dramatics. He gets up to go and order the food so it would be back at the apartment by the time we got back. Dan casually puts an arm around my shoulder and sighs in content.

"Can you believe how far we've come since that night on New Years?"

I lean against him and smile; we had come a long way not just as a couple but as individuals. We'd both grown so much. I wouldn't go back and change anything. I had the perfect guy by my side and I couldn't wait to see where our journey took us. We had so much ahead of us.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now