Launch Day

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Chapter Fourteen: Launch Day



Today was the launch of my merch line/photography service and I couldn't have been more excited. These last two weeks had been hectic getting everything together from last minute tweaks of the website to making sure we had enough stock because interest was high, and checking all the social media accounts were linked and working in sync so fans could communicate with each other and follow for updates.

Dan and Phil had been happy to welcome me into their flat because neither wanted me back in my own flat while Mitch and my attacker were on the loose. I felt kind of bad shacking up with my boyfriend and his best friend who were use to living together. My compromise was to stay out of the way when they filmed videos together to keep the Phan illusion up for fans.

"I've just tweeted my followers saying the site with be live at 10 am. I'm so proud of you Jasmine."

Dan slumps down on the sofa next to me and throws an arm around my shoulder before leaning over to kiss me. I smile into the kiss and kiss him back making Phil gag from the other side of the room.

"I love you guys, but seriously get a room. I miss the days when Dan was awkward around girls."

I pull back from Dan and blow a kiss in Phil's direction making him chuckle.

"Ask Sarah out already. Seriously Phil what's holding you back?"

"Jasmine if I'm awkward around girls then imagine what Phillip is like." Dan laughs, smirking to himself.

I poke Dan in the ribs for mock making fun of Phil's shyness around not just people but girls.

"If you're going to ask her out I'd do it at the shop when she's on a break. Maybe buy a cupcake and then talk a little before asking if she'd like to grab a coffee or a bite to eat. Sarah is a simple girl who doesn't like extravagance, just be yourself, Phil."

Phil smiles and goes back to staring at his laptop screen, I hoped he worked up the courage to ask Sarah out. I send another glare in Dan's direction as he rubs his ribs and pouts, but he wasn't going to get sympathy out of me.

"Ten seconds till launch Jasmine."

Phil was right, it was nearly time for the website to go live. He puts his laptop down and comes to join Dan and me on the sofa. I was in the middle of a Dan and Phil sandwich, every fangirls wet dream.

"Deep breaths Jasmine everything going to be fine."

Dan holds my hand as I take a deep breath and refresh the website homepage. The timer that had been counting down disappears and the site was officially live for everyone worldwide.

"We should have gotten party poppers or something to celebrate."

I lean over and ruffle Phil's hair, he gasps and jumps off the sofa trying to fix his hair.

"Maybe we should get some cake. I wonder if we know anyone who makes cakes for a living."

This time Dan pokes me in the ribs and shakes his head mockingly, "play nice Jasmine, if I have to then so do you."

I go to slap his hand away when my phone goes off on the arm of the sofa. I hand Dan my laptop with caution knowing he would go through my files like a nosey boyfriend because he wanted stuff to blackmail me with since I had gone through his laptop and posted some embarrassing pictures and videos online.

"Answer the phone Jasmine, your laptop is safe with me."

Dan grins, and I pick up my phone and get up to leave the room pressing accept.

"Hello, this is Jasmine speaking."

"Hello Jasmine this is Officer Dean, are you able to speak?"

I was surprised that I was getting a phone call two weeks after coming out of the hospital, hopefully, it was better news than what they'd been able to give me in the past.

"Yes, I can speak. Is there a development in the case?"

"We have some good news. We were able to take the DNA from under your nails and have found yours and Chris's attacker. He has since been linked to Mitch who had been at large before handing himself in. He admitted to the threats and trashing your flat, along with hiring someone to sneak into your flat and attack you."

I was gobsmacked and hurt that Mitch would go to these levels because he didn't like the fact I was in a relationship with someone other than himself. At least he and my attacker had now been caught and would be brought to justice. Officer Dean clears his throat.

"When Police went to Mitch's flat they were able to recover your stolen goods, and came across images taken by Mitch of you indicating that he'd been stalking you for a long period of time."

"Thank you for all your hard work, this is the best news I could have hoped for."

Officer Dean hangs up and I take a few seconds to compose myself before returning to the living room where Dan and Phil hovered over my laptop with eager eyes.

"Oh my god Jasmine the sites going crazy, damn girl you might have to do restocks or something."

Phil sounded like an over excited girl, not the grown ass man he was was. Dan, on the other hand, took notice of my silence and glanced over at me with concerned eyes.

"Jasmine, are you okay? Who was on the phone?"

"The Police."

That grabs both guys attentions and my site launch is put aside. Phil pats the spot in between them and I sit down, feeling better than being stood up.

"What did they say? You look in shock?"

Dan rubs circles on my back and I take a deep breath, they needed to know the good news but I was still processing it myself.

"They got the attacker from the DNA under my fingernails. Who snitched on Mitch who then handed himself in and admitted to everything. The Police went to his flat and found my stolen items and stalker pictures he'd taken of me."

"That's great news babe, now he can get what's coming to him. Come here."

I let Dan grab me and pull me into a comforting hug, seconds later Phil joins in squishing me in between the pair. I was happy to call both of them my friends and how much they supported me.

"What do you want to do next Jasmine?"

I look at Phil confused slightly by what he was asking me, then as if a lightbulb went off in my head I knew what I wanted to do next.

"I want to sell my flat, I can't see myself living there on my own again. Too many bad memories have tainted the place I use to call home."

"Phil and I were going to wait to ask you this Jasmine, but since you want to sell your flat and have practically lived here these past couple weeks. How would you like to move in with us?"

Dan beams a huge smile at me, then I turn my head to see if this was true and Phil nods, "I think we'd both feel safer if you were around people, and we love you so it's really no big deal."

I was touched, "I've never lived with guys before."

Dan laughs, "consider the tour a chance to see if you can live in close confines with us. That's if you're up for the challenge."

I never backed down from a challenge, "oh you two are so on. Let's see if you can cope living with a girl. Thanks for this, I love both of you."

We go back in for another group hug. Maybe now my life could go back to normal without me having to look over my shoulder. I had the tour to get ready for, my studies to get back on track, and a website to keep stocked and updated.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now