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Chapter Eleven: Robbery



"Do you want to take a look at the pictures Jasmine? See if any stand out for you to use on the website."

The photographer I'd hired to take pictures of my new clothes/merch line was, in fact, a graduate of my photography course who I'd stayed in touch with. Will knew his photography and could make anything look like a million dollars. I didn't feel the need to give him much direction because as a fellow photographer I needed him to know that I trusted him wth my babies.

"I trust you've done me proud Will but I'll check anyway."

He hands me the laptop allowing me to scroll through the photos and I was blown away by how good they were. Every single one could be used which would make the selection process that little bit harder.

"I like that we have multiple shots of the items, including the different colours they come in. You captured what I wanted and damn these will look nice on the website Will. Thank you for helping me out."

Will beams and runs his fingers through his hair, "we've got to look out for our own Jasmine. Besides you did me a solid on my final year assignment by modelling for me."

Photography students stuck together. I give him the laptop back, but not before taking a cheeky picture on my phone to upload to social media for promotion. Twitter was my favourite, second to Instagram of course.

@JasminePhotos: Behind the scenes picture for new merch line! Super happy how they came out! Watch this space!

Likes, retweets, and comments started to flood in from old fans to new fans alike. I notice tweets off Dan and Phil.

@danisnotonfire: Can't wait for you guys to buy our amazing tour merch designed by the talented and beautiful @JasminePhotos

@AmazingPhil: Proud as a dad for @JasminePhotos! She also designed our upcoming tour merch and will be our official tour photographer!

I make sure to retweet the tweets before putting the phone away. But a call off an unknown number puts me slightly on edge, I'd been receiving calls from unknown numbers for the past week, but the male breathing down the other end of the lines was the same so I knew it was one person. Whoever it was never responded when I asked who it was, and would hastily hang up. No harm had come my way so I put the most recent call to the back of my mind and don't pick up.

Saying goodbye to Will and the models I leave the photo studio and head towards the nearest tube station, but not before making a quick pit stop at Starbucks because why the hell not. Clutching the warm cup of happiness to my chest I swipe my Oyster card and make my way down to the platform trying not to get shoved to the side by men in suits just clocking off from work.

Something was off as I walked down the street leading to my flat. Something in my gut was telling me to turn in the other direction and not to go back to the flat, but it was the end of the day and I was tired. My gut feeling was right as I rounded the corner to see three Police cars outside the building, with the residents huddled together outside. What had happened?

Spotting my next door neighbour I walk up behind her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and her eyes widen before she pulls me into a bone crushing hug. We were close but not this close.

"Thank god you're okay Jasmine I was so worried."

I hug her back, slightly confused as to what she needed to be worried about. I was fine.

"What happened? Why are the Police here?"

The neighbour pulls back and gestures for a nearby female officer to come over.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now