Robbery Pt 2

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Chapter Twelve: Robbery Pt 2


Waking up, last night's events come flooding back all at once startling me upright in Dan's bed. My movement wakes up Dan who sits up in bed and starts to rub circles on my back.

"Are you okay babe?"

I shake my head, "was last night a dream?"

"I'm sorry Jasmine but it was real."

Sighing loudly I lie back against Dan's chest and he moves his hand from my back to my hair which he starts to stroke. I felt safe being here in Dan's arms. I use to love the independence of living alone, but after the break in I wasn't so sure I wanted to live alone anymore. Dan's stomach rumbles loudly after ten minutes of just lying in comfortable silence.

"I think someone needs breakfast, Daniel."

"I'll make us something."

We get out of bed and I decide to stay in Dan's clothes from last night because they were comfortable and I didn't need to impress anyone. We walk hand in hand to the kitchen where Dan keeps his promise and makes us each a bowl of cereal because he is a professional chef after all.

"I wonder if Sarah's awake yet Dan?"

Dan shrugs his shoulders, "we'll try the living room because I heard the TV."

Picking up my bowl of Frosties I follow after Dan into the hallway. I didn't realise just how hungry I was until I pretty much finished the bowl before we even reached the living room door. Dan was right the TV was on, and whoever was up was watching anime.

Dan pushes open the door and we walk into an unexpected sight. On the sofa cuddled together under a blanket was none other than Sarah and Phil looking quite cosy.

"Well, this is surprising."

Sarah and Phil jump apart, Phil getting tangled in the blanket and falling off the sofa with a yell and a thump.

"Oh my god Phil are you okay?"

I put down my empty bowl on the dining table and crouch down in front of Phil untangling him. Dan stands behind us cackling and Sarah was no better laughing like this was the funniest thing in existence.

"I'm good, thanks for helping me Jasmine like a nice human being."

Phil scowls in Dan's direction who shuts up immediately, though he was trying so hard to keep his sniggers inside.

"You two look comfortable, what are you watching?"

Sarah clears her throat, "just some shitty anime Dan."

Dan's eyes light up and he lets out a little squeal before throwing himself onto the sofa.

"I love shitty anime. Sarah, you can come over whenever you want."

Dan and Sarah start talking about anime leaving me to help Phil to his feet. We decide to make some coffee and leave the two in the living room. Once in the kitchen and the kettle is boiling Phil pulls me into a comforting hug.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

I shrug my shoulders, "still in a little shock that this could happen to me. I loved my flat, it was my safe haven but not anymore. And until the Police catch whoever did it, I want to keep myself busy."

"I think Sarah was going to ask you if you wanted to help her out at the shop today. It could be good to clear your head to spend the day with your best friend Jasmine."

Phil was right, working side by side with Sarah would keep my mind occupied. Plus a little Jasmine and Sarah time alone might be nice, I did like cupcakes and today she wouldn't be able to tell me no to free cupcakes because of my fragile state.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now