YouTube Debut

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Chapter Eight: YouTube Debut



Although a week had passed since the uploading of a certain picture online, the heat as Dan and Phil predicted would die down hadn't. In fact, the internet blew up even more after Dan and Phil were videoed showing up at my flat after their radio show. Luckily I'd been able to delete some comments and report some more vocal fans who attempted to post hate on every single Instagram picture if they'd taken over my Instagram then my future business idea might as well be flushed down the toilet.

University lectures were more manageable, no one on my photography course believed that Dan and I were together and were even supportive in walking with me around campus and town in case any fans decided to come up to me. Will was the most supportive, although it was pretty clear another student Mitch wasn't liking how nice Will was being to me. Will is gay and in fact, had a boyfriend who was lovely the one time I met them for coffee. Mitch was what you'd call a stalker, he and I had worked on some projects and I think he felt like we had a connection when I didn't want to be anything other than friends.

It was interesting getting to draw and create designs for potential The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire merch. Phil very much supported Dan's choice to bring me on board and now I was heading over to their place to show them some designs and hopefully get their approval. If I could design merch for two big youtubers, that would help launch my own merch line because I'd look more appealing having collaborated with other people.

I messaged Phil once I was off the tube and when I rounded the corner onto their street I saw Phil stood outside a building obviously waiting for me. Because of his height it would be very hard for me to cover his eyes with my hands and in a deep voice say "guess who?", so I went with the classic jump on their back and make them scream like a little girl.

"Calm your tits Phillip it's me, Jasmine."

"You scared me."

I get off Phil's back and we hug, I'd decided since meeting Phil for the first time that I was now a very big fan of Phil hugs and I'd learned that Phil liked giving them so it was a win-win situation for the both of us.

"Dan's waiting upstairs, he's setting up the camera."

I groan remembering the second reason I was here today. Phil pats my back and shoots me a sympathetic smile before ushering into the building. The two of them were adamant that by me being in a video and introducing myself it would help the fans understand who I was and let them get to make a judgment on me once they knew a few real facts, instead of fake rumours and facts some fans had already posted online.

We sit down in the living room and Dan joins us. I pull out the sketchbook with some of the designs in and hand them to Dan and Phil. This part always made me anxious, when people were judging my work because I hated being judged despite choosing an industry where I'd be judged for most of my life.

"Damn Jasmine these are good and I'm not just saying that. These are legit better than what we would have come up with."

Dan's praise made me feel good, it wasn't like I set out to get praise off of him but it made me feel special that he was looking through my designs and liking what I'd produced, which was all I could ask for as an artist.

"This could be our best merch yet, and fans will eat it up once the tour kicks off. I wish I could draw like you Jasmine, why do you have to have this much talent?"

Phil pouts but instantly cracks a smile to let me know that he was joking.

"Jasmine, I know you don't want to do this next part but the sooner we get the video over and done with, the sooner it can be uploaded and hopefully your life goes back to being semi-normal."

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now