When Fans Attack

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Chapter Seven: When Fans Attack


Walking across the campus to get to my apartment was one of my favourite parts of the day, especially this time of year when the trees which lined the cobblestones were leafless. The day had gotten colder so I found myself snuggling into my MUSE hoodie trying to keep the London chill off me. Even though I'd only just gotten a coffee with Dan a couple hours ago I'd bought myself a hot chocolate to warm my hands since I'd left my mittens back in the apartment like an idiot.

The campus courtyard was fuller than normal for this time of day, as far as I was aware there were no events going on. However, I got that feeling in your stomach when you just knew something bad was going to happen, even though I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong.

"I can't believe Dan would go for someone like that..."

"She's ugly, who'd go near that?"

I walk past a couple of girls and walk slower when I hear them mention someone called Dan and a girl who was ugly. I roll my eyes, girls could be bitches sometimes. Throwing my empty cup in a nearby bin I start to notice people staring at me, but when I made eye contact with them they looked away giggling, gossiping and laughing with their friends. Did I have something on my body or face? Quickly pulling out my phone I do a quick face check and see nothing out of place. Maybe they'd heard of my successful photography showcase.

"Oh my god Jasmine have you seen social media?"

I jump out of my skin as Will, another photography student pops up by my side brandishing his phone. I shake my head not knowing what he was going on about. We'd worked together a couple of times during first years and I considered him a good friend.

"Does it explain why I'm getting the stink eye from people like I've contracted the plague and am contagious?"

Will nods, "kind of does Jasmine. Here check out Dan's Tumblr tag, I thought you'd like to know first from a friend instead one of these mean and jealous bitches."

I take his phone off him and stare at the screen in horror. There was a picture taken inside Sarah's capturing the moment Dan leaned over to wipe icing off my nose and you could clearly see me blushing at his action. We looked very close and loved up.

"It's not what it looks like Will, Dan and I are friends who met online. Who would post something like this?"

Will takes his phone back off me and shrugs his shoulders, "a fan most likely, I mean they like to document their favourite youtubers lives. Especially if someone new pops up in the picture."

I didn't need this kind of attention right now. Danasaurs were usually a nice bunch of people, but were very loyal to Dan and could sometimes take things out of context to get a view more Tumblr likes and Twitter followers. I didn't even want to think how the Phandom would react to this, Dan and Phil was a pretty serious ship even if it wasn't real.

"What do the comments say, Will?"

Will's face saddens and he pockets his phone so I know they have to be bad, otherwise, he wouldn't shield me from any hate and negativity.

"Don't believe anything they say, Jasmine, I'm sure this will all blow over in a few hours. I'll see you in class, bye."

I hug Will and watch him walk off in the opposite direction. Suddenly I felt very exposed stood in the middle of the courtyard surrounded by people who were talking about me behind my back. Taking deep breaths I take out my phone again and this time try to get in touch with Dan, but it goes straight to voicemail and I realise he probably turned it off before starting the radio show.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now