Chapter 37: Half Way

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A.N: NERDS! I've missed yew! Things got a little cray cray. But I'm back now and I saw the 'One Direction: This Is Us' premiere on Thursday evening and then again with some girls Friday night. 'twas amazing! If you haven't seen it, go and see it! I literally cried and screamed and yeaaaa. Anyways, it's definitely worth while. 



Ch 37-


I was now 5 months pregnant and so so excited! Niall had been helping me through a lot. And so, I had finally officially gotten over Harry.. 

Honestly, watching Perrie and Zayn made me want to get married. But, I'm too young. I would hate having another relationship failure. Why couldn't I be good at this relationship thing?


I heard the door to my room creak slightly open as Niall peeked in. He peeked in every night before he went to bed to make sure I was ok.

"Goodnight, princess." Niall whispered.

"Goodnight, Nialler." I whispered back. Then, he shut the door again softly, and his footsteps faded away.

For some reason, I was having lots of abdominal pain. I guessed the best cure was sleep at this point.


I soundly slept until a thick liquid between my legs startled me. I jumped back and turned my lamp on. Blood. Blood everywhere. It was like someone was murdered on my bed. But my abdominal aches told me that was not what this was.
No. Please no.

I hated waking up Niall like this, but I had no choice.

"Niall!" I screamed painfully.

I heard a pound on the floor. Niall clumsily fell through the door, running to me.

"Are you ok?! What's wrong?!" He questioned, concerned. Then his eyes grew at the horrid sight. "Holy shit, Laney."

My body filled with fear and sadness. "I need to go see a doctor. I'm in pain." I cried. Niall nodded and lifted me up. I clung onto his sweatshirt as we headed out of the flat.


The doctor left awhile ago to get some results. He took a few tests, but I think we all knew where this was going. Niall held onto my hand, stroking it gently. I could barely stay awake, nor did I want to because of the pain I was in. I whimpered as another wave came over me.

"What can I do?" Niall asked softly.

I wanted to say 'call Harry'. But I didn't.

"I don't know. I'm just in pain. A lot of pain." I groaned. He nodded, rubbing my arm gently.

Dr. James entered with a nurse by his side. My heavy eyes stared up at them, hoping for a miracle.

"The baby didn't make it. I'm sorry Laney. Miscarriages are very very common. Especially in your case. You need to remain here for another night. We need to watch you. Tell us if you need anything. Sweet heart, you did your best." Dr. James said sympathetically. I nodded as tears fell. No words could escape my lips. I was devastated.

The nurse and doctor walked out. Niall pulled me to him, I could feel his uneasiness as well.

"He's right. You did your best." Niall said. I still couldn't speak. 

The only words I could finally manage were, "get Harry."



My phone lit up my bedroom, awakening me from a light sleep. It was Niall. He had called four times already and it was 3am- this couldn't be good. I hit the 'call back' button.

"Hello?" I croaked, when the ringing had stopped.

"Harry, I know it's late, but we really need you. Laney needs you. We are at the hospital in Room 267. Laney had a miscarriage. She's devastated. Man, I really need your help down here." Niall explained, a little rushed. My heart seized. Laney.

"Ok. I will meet you there soon." I replied. At that, I hung up, throwing my phone down. I sprung up, threw a hoodie on, along with some sweat pants.

For the first time in nearly 5 months, I was going to see Laney.



I tossed back and forth in the hospital bed, trying to get away from the pain. Niall tried to talk to me to make me forget about it, but it didn't work.

The door to the room opened. I expected a doctor or nurse, but the voice told me differently.

"Lane." A deep British accent spoke. It was like the first time I had ever heard that voice. I immediately broke into tears.

"Harry?" I asked, turning over to face the tall, dark-haired boy. A smile broke onto my face as I opened my arms to welcome him. He smiled back slightly and bent down to meet me. His chest met mine as he hugged me closely. I began to cry harder.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I meant nothing I said before, I want to be with you, and I have never stopped loving you!" I cried.

"Shshssh. It's ok, baby. We said things we didn't mean, that's ok. I'm here for you now, and I always will be." Harry whispered into my ear.

 I buried my face into his chest, crying harder and harder. "Laney, It'll be ok. What's wrong, love?" Harry asked. God, I had missed him.

"I-I wanted to have this baby. And now it's dead because of me! I killed it! I was half way there!" I cried, wailing now.

"You didn't do this. Your cancer did this. You didn't chose to have cancer." He replied. I guess he was right. I sighed, wiping away tears and sniffling.

"Go to sleep, Laney. I will be right here. And Niall, if you'd like to catch some rest, I will watch her." Harry said. Niall agreed and began to get comfortable in his seat.

As for me, I fell into a dreamy daze, snuggled against the boy I loved, who I had always loved, and I could finally be truly happy again.




Happy Labor Day :)

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