Chapter 15

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I couldn't help gasping. My jaw dropped to the floor and I must've looked bug eyed. "You cannot be serious," I whispered. How is it possible that Harry was right?

"You did say the second young mans name was Harry, am I correct?" She asked.

"Yes, could I see a picture to check if um it's the same Harry?" Carole turned around the monitor and showed me a photo. It was him. Same dark brown curly hair and green eyes. In the photo, tattoos littered his shoulders. "Yes that's him," I said.

"What happens from here?" Liam asked.

"Well, I will give you Mr. Styles' contact information," Carole started. "You are matched with him so you should find and speak with him."

"Will he be rematched?" I asked hopefully.

"You have the option, but Mr. Styles must agree. However he's not guaranteed a soulmate afterwards."

"Oh," I sighed.

"Most likely, you will stay matched with both Mr. Payne, and Mr. Styles. It's up to you what you do from there. They'll just share you I suppose," Carole tried to joke.

Liam and I were not amused. "If you could give us a phone number, we will be going," Liam said standing up. "Thank you for your help,"

Carole gave us a number and we got back in the car. "SHIT!" I scooted down in my seat. "I'm stuck with him!" I groaned.

"Let's just stay calm. We'll all get together and work it out." Liam drove back to our complex. There was no point in going back to work now. It had taken four hours at match council.

"I feel awful now. How would you feel if you finally found your match and they didn't believe you and ran away?" I buried my head in my hands.

"To be fair, he went about it the wrong way," Liam pointed out.

"Yeah I know, but I feel obligated to talk to him and stuff now." I groaned into my hands. Liam pulled into the car park. "I guess I'll talk to him tomorrow,"

"Um Bria?" Liam tapped my leg. I felt the car stop.

"What?" I looked up weakly at him.

Liam pointed out through the windshield. "You're talking now, he's right there,"

"Ugh," I mumbled getting out of the car. "Harry, how the hell did you find out where I live?"

"Wasn't that hard. I watched you go home," he replied simply.

"Are you against being re-matched?" Liam asked coming up behind us after getting out of the car.

"What are you talking about, lover boy?"

"I'm matched with both you and Liam," I told him. "We went to match council, and they confirmed it,"

"I'm gonna say it," Harry grinned maliciously. "I. Told. You. So."

Your perfect other half is supposed to be just like you. The male or female version of yourself. Liam was. No doubt he was perfect for me. Harry, I'm not so sure. He doesn't seem to be anything like me. Honestly, he scared me a little, and every time I talked to him, I mustered up this fake confidence. You would think that I wouldn't have any sort of attraction or feeling for him. What really scared me was that I did. He was gorgeous. Tall, muscular, and one of the most attractive people I've ever seen.

"But, I still love you." Harry put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. I jumped at the action. I was shocked.

Liam looked like he was about to vomit. "You don't even know her," Liam scoffed just like he had earlier. He pulled me away from Harry and wrapped his arms around me protectively. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jackie watching out our front window. Harry raised his eyebrows and took a step towards us. I was squished between the two of them. Liam's grip got tighter, yet, I didn't feel any safer now.

"I don't have time for this," Harry sighed. "I need your phone number before I go,"

I reluctantly recited it to him.

"Thanks, I'll talk to you later, Bria," Harry tilted my face up and kissed me. Then he walked back over to his car, got in and took off.

I made a beeline for my front door and Liam followed behind.

"What happened out there?!" Jackie asked excitedly.

"THAT was the most awkward experience of my entire life," I sat on our couch.

"Tell me exactly how you feel about him," Liam thundered. I must've looked startled because he softened his expression. "Please, I need to know," he grabbed my hands and sat down next to me."

"I don't know," I admitted.

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