Chapter 29

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"It's just that I knew him," I tried to explain, but he cut me off.

"Don't waste your breath," he continued. "You were literally the single love of my life. And now your completely moving on and leaving me for that douche bag!"

"Harry, look I'm sorry. I honestly think that we're both better off apart," I continued. "All you have to do is go to Match Council and have them rematch you,"

"I DONT WANT TO BE REMATCHED! Thats not how it works! What really pisses me off is that I actually thought you might love me like I love you," He growled. "I honestly don't want to hear it anymore! I just can't believe this! I actually opened up to you and I thought we would be together, but apparently I was wrong!"

"Im sorry," I sighed apologetically.

"I just wish you had told me sooner because then I wouldn't have wasted all of this time on you!" His words hurt.

"Harry I feel awful about this but-" I started to speak, but Harry grabbed my hips, and pulled me into him. He smashed his lips into mine. I didn't do anything in response. I stood there and waited for him to be finished.

"And that changes nothing?!" He said helplessly.

I shook my head.

"This isn't the way it's supposed to be. You're supposed to be mine forever. You're supposed to be absolutely perfect for me, and this shit is killing me here,"

"I still want to be friends though Harry," I winced.

"Oh save it. You want me gone? Then so be it,"

Six months later:

In the end, everything really did turn out alright.

Harry was rematched, and he ended up with a nice girl named Kelsey, and Liam and I were invited to the wedding. I accepted the invitation even though Liam swore he wouldn't go. So I was forgiven in the end. I guess the rematching process wasn't so bad because they seem to be very happy together.

Louis and Eleanor finally had their wedding after being engaged for awhile. They're happy as well. They were the first of our friend to be married. And to top it all off, they're expecting!

Brooklyn and Ben are still living together and doing well. They plan on moving into a bigger house soon.

Rose is still matchless. But she's still doing fine. She's single and ready to mingle!

Niall did find his match, Allison. She's absolutely perfect for him. It's been twenty years, but they both agree it was worth the wait.

Jackie and Jacob are finally moving in together. (This gives Liam and I the clearance to do the same!) They're ecstatic to finally take this next step in their relationship.

As for Liam and I? Of course were happy! Now that this while awkward, entangling bump in our relationship is cleared, things are great. I don't know exactly where things are going. But I am excited for what's to come!

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