Chapter 16

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"What really is getting to me is that we were so happy! I thought you really loved me," Liam ran his hands through his hair. "But as soon as another guy comes into the picture, you change your mind! Is that what's happening?!" Liam raised his voice again.

"No, that's not what's happening," I protested.

"What I want to hear is that you have no attraction to him. But, I don't think that's the case," Liam muttered.

"Liam, I,"

"Save it," he cut me off. "I've got to go," I watched as he got up and and walked out. The door slammed and I burst into tears.

"Oh honey! It's okay!" Jackie rushed over and comforted me.

"No, it's not!" I sobbed. "Liam's never been mad like this!"

"He's just shaken up, and so are you, it'll be okay." She wrapped her arms around me. I continued to stain her shoulder with my tears. "I think you both just need time to calm down a little,"

I nodded and wiped my eyes with my sweater sleeve. "I just don't know why this happened to me," I choked out. "Two matches. What am I supposed to do?"

"We both know that you love Liam more than anything," Jackie said.

"And the thought of losing him because of this just breaks my heart," More tears rolled cheeks.

"Just give it till tomorrow, I promise things will be better!" Jackie got up and got the box of tissues from the bathroom.

I nodded wiping my eyes. "I hope you're right,"

"But, Bria, you've got to stop crying," Jackie said.

"I know, I think I'm alright now," I took a deep breath.

"Now, it is a good thing I bought ice cream today, because we need it," Jackie bounced over to the kitchen and opened the freezer.

I put on a movie and changed into more comfortable clothes. About 10 minutes into the movie, my phone buzzed on the coffee table. I bent over to get it and it was an unknown number. I opened it anyways.

"Can't wait until I can see you again -Harry"

I flung my phone across the couch. "Who was it?" Jackie paused the film.

"Harry, of course," my voice wavering. All of the emotions flooding back.

"He sure picks great times to text you," Jackie sighed. "Bria, stay strong, you don't have to get upset. C'mon you're fine. Deep breaths. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8. Lets do it,"

Jackie is an expert on all things like that. Deep breathing techniques to calm you down, psychological things, and she can go on for hours about how taking cold showers will improve every single aspect of your life. I'm not even joking. But, everything she says is true so far.

"Okay, good," I nodded after two or three of her anti-crying deep breaths. "I'm going to get some more water, do you want any?" I stood up. She shook her head no. I came back and she had my phone in her hands, typing away. "What are you doing?" I squeaked pulling it away.

"Nothing," she replied smugly.

The damage was done. There was an short conversation going between she and Harry. "You didn't," I narrowed my eyes.

"It was too tempting, sorry babe," she giggled.

H: Can't wait until I can see you again -Harry

B: Heyyyyyy

H: Can you come to the gym tomorrow? Would love to work you out ;) x

"I was going to reply, but I don't know what to say now," Jackie smirked.

"I think I do," I typed out a response. Jackie burst out laughing and pressed send. For the rest of the night we sent all of these strange texts back and forth. I didn't care what Harry thought of me at this point. Liam was so much more important to me.

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