Chapter 8

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"Hey love," a boy came up to me, turned me around, and pressed his body against mine. He ignored Eleanor. (

"Excuse you?" I said pulling away.

"You're her," the boy said looking into my eyes. His necklace was bright red. He touched his necklace to mine before I even realized it. I tried to pull my half away but it wouldn't budge. They slowly turned a brilliant gold color and began to glow. The metal was gleaming and gold sparks were flying off of the heart.

"Holy shit," I whispered. This couldn't be happening. I was matched with Liam. We knew that for sure. But now this random kid came along and our necklaces show that.

"What in bloody hell is happening?!" Liam spat. He suddenly appeared with the rest of our friends next to us. I had never heard him say anything like that before.

I took a step away from the boy. Without warning he grabbed my hips, pulled me close again, and kissed me. I stood there paralyzed once he pulled away. Liam looked about to burst.

"I'm Harry, and what's your name beautiful?" He asked me.

"You're not my match!" I yelled. Everyone was watching us. I stepped away from Harry and wrapped my arms around Liam.

"Mate, I'm her match," Liam scoffed. And to prove it, he touched his pendant to mine and they glowed gold as they usually do.

"You are not! How the hell is that possible?!" Harry yelled.

I had no clue what to do. Am I matched with both Liam and Harry? I can't be.

"Liam and Bria are matched, I don't know who you are but they aren't going to be a part of your stupid little scam," Louis stepped in pushing Harry farther away from me.

"It's not a scam," Harry growled back. "Did you see our necklaces glow? It does that for a reason you prick,"

I was getting scared. Harry looked terrifying because he was so huge. Louis, Ben, and Liam were yelling back and forth. After about a minute , Liam decided to end it.

"You know what?" Liam yelled. "I'm tired of this. We're leaving," The six of us happily retreated. Ben and Louis gave Harry their final death glares and followed us.

Once we got back to the house we were staying in, Liam and I went back to our room. It was about 1:30 AM.

"Did you see the muscles on that Harry guy?" I said sitting down on the bed.

"They were massive! I didn't want to anger him too much," Liam admitted.

"I was getting a little scared because he could probably snap me like a toothpick." I sighed.

"I wouldn't let that happen," Liam said changing his t-shirt. Liam had some nice abs and biceps but Harry's were by far bigger from what I could see.

"How is it possible that he's matched with me too?" I said.

"I highly doubt it. It could've been just a scam. Like I guess they could sell replica necklaces that light up every time you touch it to something. To trick people," Liam offered.

"I wonder if Match council knows anything about it," I wondered out loud. Match council being everything romantic relationship. They have branches in every city or town. I've been there a few times for stupid little things. Once to get a scratch buffed out of my pendant, and another to see if they could do a search for me. In their massive computer data and records they can search your name and help you find your match. They usually wont do it for you because its a lengthy process. They didn't for me. They told me I was perfectly able to look by myself.

"I doubt they would help us, they never do," Liam said turning off our light.

"I guess," I said. "We're going home in the morning anyways. I'm not going to see him again,"

"Exactly, we can just forget this ever happened" Liam agreed climbing into bed with me. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. We exchanged "I love you's" and went to sleep. It had been a long day.

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