Chapter 19

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When Liam came home, we finished our conversation from earlier. We worked out and talked absolutely everything. I finally had some clarity about what to do now. It was agreed that I would go home with Harry to meet his family the next weekend. It was something Harry really wanted to do. Late Saturday afternoon he came over to pick me up.

"The drive should be about 45 minutes," Harry told me putting my bag in the back of his car. We were only going to be there for one night.

"I'll see you Sunday afternoon," Liam sighed. He came out to say goodbye. I could tell he didn't want me to go.

"Alright, bye Liam," I gave him a quick hug before climbing into the front seat of Harry's car.

"My mum especially was very excited to meet you," He said starting up the car.

I smiled. "Who all will I be meeting?"

"My mum, stepdad, my sister, her husband and my niece," he answered.

"How old is your niece?" I asked.

"She's four," he smiled.

For the rest of the car ride, we tried to make small talk but is was really awkward. We arrived at his parents house, and it was much bigger than I had expected. We went inside.

"We're here!" Harry called opening the front door.

"Harry! Bria!" the woman who I'm assuming was Harry's mother came to greet us.

"Hi mum," Harry kissed her on the cheek.

"It's great to meet you Bria," she smiled warmly.

After I had met Harry's mum Anne, his stepdad Robin, his sister Gemma, brother in law Will, and niece Juliette, we went outside to sit on the deck and chat while Robin was making some food on the grill.

"So, Harry told us that you are matched with more than one person?" Gemma started the conversation.

"Yes, I am. I've been with my other match Liam for about six months," I explained.

"And how did this happen?"

"Well, there was a glitch in the matching system. I don't really know," I admitted.

Thank goodness we moved on after that awkward conversation. Over dinner, I answered every single question possible about myself. Harry's family was very curious. They seemed surprised as well because I'm nothing like Harry. And your match should be. We stayed outside talking for what seemed like forever. It was nine thirty before anyone had realized it. Gemma's family then left to get Juliette home. She was incredibly cute. And the way she and Harry interacted was precious. I had never seen that side of him.

After dinner was cleaned up, Anne and Robin decided to go up to bed. "As for sleeping arrangements," Anne started.

"She'll be in with me. We're comfortable staying together," Harry cut her off.

"Alright, let me know if you need anything," she said heading towards the steps.

"Thanks mum," he said as she left.

"We didn't agree on that," I hissed.

"Too late," he smirked. "My bed's big enough, it's fine,"

I groaned. I wasn't ready to stay with Harry yet. What if he tried something?!

"Lets go up and get settled. We can watch a movie or something up there," Harry wrapped his arm around me and guided me up the stairs. He grabbed my bag and brought it up with us.

His room was pretty nice. The bed was a queen. Good. We wouldn't have to be sleeping on top of each other.

"I've got to piss," Harry disappeared into the bathroom. I took the opportunity to change my clothes. And I finished before he came back. "You can use the bathroom now," he said.

After I was finished, I came back to find Harry shirtless, laying on the bed. I climbed in bed next to him, as close to the edge as I could without falling off.

"Can I ask you something?" He turned to me.

"Sure, what?" I replied.

"I don't want anyone to hear, we need to go somewhere more private," He stood up.

"We're about as private as it gets right now. Alone in your room unfortunately," I laughed.

"I don't want my mum and Robin to hear,"

"I'm pretty sure you're safe. They're probably asleep,"

"No, just to be sure. C'mon," He grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the bed. We went downstairs and out the back door and down the deck's stairs.

"Harry, were the hell are we going?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"I told you, somewhere private!"

"No, seriously, where?"

"There," he pointed off into the darkness.

It was a pool. Oh god. "I saw it from the deck today. It was about 50 yards from the house.

"Now that absolutely nobody can hear us, what did you want to ask me?" I tapped my foot.

Harry ignored my question. He went to grab me and push me over his shoulder. No doubt he was going to jump in that pool with me.

"Harry, don't even think about it!" I screamed running back towards the house.

"Shhh, they'll hear you," Harry laughed at me.

"I'm not going in that pool!" I insisted.

Harry caught up to me. "It's funny how wrong you are," he picked me up bridal style and took a running leap into the water. It resulted in a huge splash as we hit the water.

We came back up to the surface and I began screaming again. "HARRY STYLES WHAT THE-"

He flashed me a smile and pressed his lips to mine.

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