A "New" Start

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Issie's POV

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" My "lovely" sister yelled in my ear. "I'm up." I said getting up, only to be slapped. "Damn right." She said and walked out of the room. I got up and locked the door and went into my dresser for the one thing I was searching for. When I felt the cold touch of it, I knew I found it. I picked it up and went into my restroom. I looked at both of my wrist, searching for a spot, but I couldn't fin a single spot. I looked down on my thighs. I pulled down my sweats and picked up the small metal piece. I brought the razor to my skin and slashed it twice. I put the razor on the counter and stared at the new blood that was coming out. I smiled at it. I washed it off and continue until the blood stopped coming out. I pulled up my sweats and went into my room again. I picked out a pair of black skinnies and a MSI shirt. I changed into it and put on my bracelets. I looked in the mirror and saw the red mark from earlier. I put some concealer on it and applied thick eyeliner. I then realized that there were red sparkles on my eyeliner. I looked at my pencil eyeliner to see red sparkles on it. I looked at it for a while until I remembered I put the sparkles on there myself. I continued to put it on. I placed my Doc Martens on and left to make my mom and sister breakfast before it gets ugly.

After 15 minutes of making food, I placed it on the table. I got myself some string cheese and went into my room to grab my bag. I left my house and began walking the 10 minutes to hell number 2.

After I entered the school gates, I went over to my first period. I placed a fake smile on just so Bob doesn't suspect anything wrong with me, when everything is absolutely wrong. "Morning Bob!" I said with a wave. He smiled back and I sat in my usual seat and began drawing. I drew Nyan Cat. This is normal since I happened to doodle it all over my notebooks. Class has started and that's when Mikey, Gerard, Ray, Frank, and Denise came in. "Hey." They all said. "Hi." I said with a smile,fake one not to mention. They all seem to bought it so I went a long with it. 'God I feel so fake.' I thought to myself.

Lunch came around and I sat in the corner with everyone else like yesterday. 'Why can't I be happy like them? It's so simple to do yet extremely hard for me.' I thought to myself. "So Issie, tell us about yourself?" Denise asked, looking very interested. "Well, what do you want to know?" I said with a small laugh. "Well, we know that you have incredible music taste and all, but maybe a bit of your personal life?" Mikey asked. I bit my lip, thinking of what I should tell them. "My birthday is on October 6th, I have an older half sister and a younger sister. My mom and dad split up when I was younger. I haven't had any contact with my dad, at all. Um, I moved from Mays Landing because of school problems. And yeah I guess." I said shrugging. I looked at them, they all had the same facial expression, sympathetic and so interested, but Mikey's face. He's the one that frightened me the most. I kinda read the "I know this is true but there's more to it" face, y'know? I looked away from it and remembered I need to get a book from my locker. "Erm, I forgot a book. Ill be back." I said getting up awkwardly and going to my locker. I got my book and closed the door only to be met by Mikey's infamous poker face. "Shit!" I said jumping and dropping my book at the same time. He started laughing and eventually helped me up. "Thank you." I said as I got balanced. "Welcome." He said. He grabbed my wrist and led me outside of the building. I was confused at first until I remembered Mikey's facial expression back there. 'Well I'm fucked.' I thought to myself as I mentally slapped my self. "Tell me the truth." He said as he sat me on the grass. "Truth?" I asked avoiding eye contact with him. "Truth." He said. "Depends on which truth you want Michael." I said using his full name. "The truth behind your family, Isabella." I cringed when he said family and my name. "Well, that was the truth." I said looking at him once then looking somewhere else. "If it were then, why are you avoiding eye contact from me?" He asked. I bit my lip and began playing with the end of my shirt. "Umm." I said. He grabbed my chin, gently and made me look at him. "Truth." He said. I stared at him and I knew that even if I tried lying to him, he would eventually make me come out with it. "My mom and sister hits me. My dad left my mom, sister, and I with my older sister. I have been called emo and all that stupid shit. I got beaten up at my old school and it got really bad so I came here but I guess nothing is really going to change." I said wiping away a tear. Mikey held onto my like if I was his life line. "I'm sorry." He said. I looked at him with a weird facial expression. "About what? Can't change the past, or present." I said flicking some of his hair out of his face. " I know I can't, but I will help you through it all." He said. I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Now can we go back in?" I asked. He nodded and gave me a piggy back ride in. They all gave us weird looks but we didn't give a damn. "Weirdos." Denise said. "Yeah, give Issie and ride but not me!" Frank said looking hurt. "Sorry not sorry." Mikey replied while sticking out his tongue. "Children." I said getting off him and sitting back down.


"Hey Issie! You should come with us! It's movie night at Ray's!" Gerard said. I was thinking about giving in until I remembered about my mom. "Uh I don't know." I said fiddling with my fingers. "What street do you live on?" I asked Ray. "1639. N Pearl Street." He replied. "Oh hey that's like 2 houses down my house." I said grinning, a real one this time knowing I can get out of my house when I feel like it. "I'll stop by to your house when I get permission." I replied. We all walked together.

"Mom?" I called into the house after I closed the door. "What?!" She yelled. "Is it okay if I go out?" I asked. "Whatever." She said, obviously not caring at all. I didn't have any homework so I just threw my bag onto my bed and left like that over to Ray's house.

Weee, 2 chapters done c:

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