"I Don't Want You To Cry, I Dont Even Want You To Care..."

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"I Don't Want You To Cry, I Dont Even Want You To Care..." Don't Pray For Me; Asking Alexandria

Issie's POV

"I got a secret! It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lung..." My alarm went off. It's about 5:30 in the morning. Why am I waking up at this moment you may ask? It's the day where everyone is the most happiest. Graduation Day. Praise The Lord for having this day to come.

So I did my daily routine and all. I put on my dress as I begin to curl my hair. I messed around with it a bit until I was satisfied with my hair. I put on my dress and shoes. More like ballet shoes for Christ sakes! My mother thought they would go well with it. (Think of the Helena dress but like yknow, shorter, as in knee length shorter.) I put on my usual eyeliner and a red flower in my hair to finish it all. I was satisfied with my look for the first time in... Years.


"Issie! Oh my god you look gorgeous man!" The girls said to me. Denise was in a turquoise dress. Allyssa was in a purple dress. Joanna was in a red dress, Veronica was in a purple dress as well. The guys were on the other side of the court. Apparently we came early so we were allowed to do whatever we want until the ceremony begins.

I seen the guys coming over to our area. "Guys guys, they're coming." Joanna said. They basically all looked like penguins. Well not really, just yknow, almost like penguins. I was on my phone to distract myself a bit until I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "You look beautiful today Issie." Mikey said in my ear. I blushed at that. "Thank you Mr. Penguin." I said with a giggle. "Mr. Penguin?" "Yeah because of the suits yknow?" I explained a bit. He nodded and smile. "Okay guys group photo!" Our parents said.

'Good god why now?!' I yelled in my thoughts.

After about 5 trillion photos have been taken, we were left alone for a little while. "Um guys I think we have to go." Allyssa announced. We all nodded our head and made our way to the auditorium.

We all sat at our spots and waited for our names to be called up after the principal finishes his famous long speech.

Allyssa had went first, then Veronica, Vic, Denise,Frank, Joanna. me, Ray, Gerard, and Mikey.

When the ceremony was over, everyone threw their hats in the air and basically cheered. I was really happy that I finally got to leave this hell hole. Then I have to go to college and shit. Well it can wait right? I mean, I'm only 18?


We all went to a restaurant with our parents and basically celebrated in there. We all dined out on the food there. And let me tell you, the food was AMAZING! I don't think I'll be able to afford to eat here at all. I heard someone clinking on a glass cup. "Um may I have everyone's attention?" Gerard said. Well he sure did get our attention. "I would like to make a toast to all the new graduates of today." He said with a smile. "If it weren't for our parents or whatever, we wouldn't even be able to graduate high school. But now that high school is done, we'll be able to go to different colleges and start fresh for the future that hasn't been written for us yet. Well shit now I don't know how to end it." He said as everyone laughed. "Well um yeah, a toast to all of us really." Everyone clinked their drinks to one another.


After that we all basically chilled at Ray's house. Nothing special, just living the good life yknow? We all smoked hookah pens, ate, and watched tv. Nothing special. "Dang man, we'll be off to college soon and that means we'll be probably separated and shit." Frank said. "Oh. I forgot about the separation part." I said. We all sighed. Man, it's sad to know I'm going to be separated from my best friends. No. Brother and sisters and boyfriend when we go off to college. "Hnnnggg." I said randomly as my thoughts began to depress me more and more, but I push it aside. "Well goodnight guys." I said taking the blanket and getting comfortable on one of Ray's couch. "Night Issie." They said. I went to sleep until two arms were wrapped around me. "Good night babe." Mikey said as he pecked my neck. I slightly blushed and fell asleep.


Hey guys! How are you? Hope you guys had a wonderful week, and if not, then don't worry, maybe tomorrow will be a great day for you or something :) . If you're ever feeling down or just need to vent, you can always kik me (it's on my bio). Okay well yeah I'm done here.

Love you guys :3


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