Karma Got You Back

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Karma Got You Back

Mikey's POV

We were in the hospital at this point. I was freaking the fuck out. Various questions ran around in my head. 'What if she doesn't makes it?' 'What are they gonna do to Abbie?' 'What am I going to do without her?' 'How will I go on without her?' These type of questions repeated in my mind. "Issie Scheel?" The doctor said as he came out of a random room. I immediately stood up. Her mom came by my side. "Issie's injury will be able to heal. If that knife would have went in deeper, she wouldn't make it. You're lucky this time. You can see her now, she's the 3 room on the right." The doctor said and left. I brought her mom with me to her room.

When we made it to her room, we both stood there looking at the door. Her mom breathed shakily and opened the door to reveal a very ghostly looking Issie. I was already on the verge of tears. Issie's mom on the other hand broke already. I took a seat on one side of Issie's bed while the other was occupied by her mom. I looked at her hand, debating whether I should take it into my hands or leave it there. In the end, I took it in my hand. I looked at her face and stared at it. It looked the same, just paler.


I woke up to someone shaking me. "Come on bro." Gerard said. "No, no way in hell am I leaving Issie." I snapped. He looked at me sympathetic. "You can't stay. You have to be over 18 and your only 16." He said. All I did was stare at him. "Fine have it your way." He said and left the room. Issie's mom was staying in for the night and it was Friday so I can stay with her. I looked over and saw her mom asleep. I looked over at Issie and stared at her. Every time I blinked, I'm closer to her. One last blink and my lips were on her. I stayed like that for a while and I swore I felt her lips move. I looked at her eyes and saw her eyes open and staring at me. I pulled away and sat back down. I could feel my cheeks being heated by embarrassment. I looked at her slowly and say a little smirk on her face. I sent a confused face at her. "I always wanted to do that." She said blushing. I felt myself blush even more and I smiled. "So Issie, would you be my girlfriend?" I asked biting my lip in case she rejects me. She smiled widely. "Of course!" She said. I smiled widely. I got up and hugged her. She hesitated to hug me but she did anyways. "Now go to sleep." I told her. She pouted. "You go to sleep. I can't sleep anymore." She said pointing to the couch. I shrugged and stalked over to the couch. "Night Issie." "Night Mikey." I fell asleep with a smile. I finally got the girl of my dreams and I'm not letting her slip out of my arms.

Hey! Sorry the updating took longish. A new character/real person will be introduced a long with a band member c: ill probably add what happened to Abbie and stuff yknow. Okay LOVE YOU!

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