What you love about him

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Dean; The way he smiles and winks at you when the two of you have company

Sam; When he frowns in confusion, he looks like a puppy

Castiel; How he does things for you  and celebrates with you even if he doesn't completely understand them. Like Christmas or Valentines Day, he doesn't understand their significance but he celebrates with you anyway.

Balthazar; His cheeky grin and everlasting confidence

Gabriel; His ability to be gentle and rough at the same time

Michael; How embarrassed he gets when you talk about certain things, sex, periods etc

Lucifer; How he’s playful around you and nobody else

Adam; How he never fails to call you every day just to tell you he loves you, no matter where he is and who he's with

Crowley; The way he always notices something new, whether it be your hair or a change in perfume or simply moving something around the house

Dick Roman; How he leaves work every lunch break to eat with you

Kevin; How compassionate he is about going back to school and getting a job so he can provide for you properly

Samandriel; How innocent he is, he's never even tried a hot dog 

Ezekiel; His strong morals he's very opinionated on what's wrong and what's right and he will stand up for what he thinks is right

John; His determination to help and do best by you

Benny; The way he never gives up even when it looks grim, he always makes the best out of a bad situation

Garth; The way he can make you laugh at any time no matter how bad you feel 

Chuck; The way he trusts you with his life and how he'd do anything for you veen if it meant he gets into harm

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