He tells you about his world

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These are going to be written like a story. Your POV


"Baby I gotta talk to you about somethin"

"What is it?"

"You know how I'm always off on jobs"

"Yeah I know, I get it you have to go where the work is"

"But you don't know what work exactly"

"Whatever you can find I guess, construction plumbing mechanic I figured it was that kinda stuff"

"Well it ain't none of that"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't do any of that stuff, I mean I do some of it on the sides but it's not what I go away for"

"Well what do you go away for? What is it?"

"I go away to hunt"

"Hunt? You can't do that here I'm sure there's a hunting ground somewhere around here"

"Not that kind of hunt baby"

"What other kind of hunt is here"

"I hunt the supernatural"

"Uh huh"

"I do!"

"I'm sure you do"

"I'm dead serious"

"If you say you hunt ghosts I believe you"



"Oh come on!"


"Sam I think you should tell me whats going on"

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't been taking night classes or working at night"

"I know and I'm sorry Kitten, I'll tell you the truth"

"Well then lets hear it"

"I hunt the supernatural; ghosts, ghouls, demons we've even met angels before"

"Don't lie to me Sam"

"I'm not lying, you know I'm not. Look at me and tell me I'm lying"

"Okay I believe you"


"As much as I wish I could think you're lying to me I know you aren't"



"I am an angel of the lord on a hunt for god"

"That's nice"


You were sat on the sofa when he came in drunk out of his mind

"B, I thought you were gonna stop drinking"

"I was but I went on a job with mt brother and I saw awful things"

"What things Balthazar? You can tell me anything"

"I just killed so many innocent people"


"We couldn't tell which one was the bad one, it wouldn't stay still so we had to kill  everyone. I hate it but it had to be done"


"I hunt the supernatural all the bad things, I hunt them and stop them from hurting people"

"We'll talk about this more in the morning baby"

"Okay but don't tell Sweetiepie she might get angry"


"Hey Sexy"

"Hey Gabey"

"I'm goin out to prank some people to death"

"Wait what?"

"I'll bring you back somethin to eat"


"Bye sexy, love ya"

"What just happened?"


"Honey? May we talk"

"Sure what about?"

"I need to tell you something important"

"Sure what is it"

"I am an angel of the lord"

"Of course you are sweetie"

"Thank you for understanding"


"You have a right to be scared for I am Lucifer"


"Most people know me as the devil"

"I don't believe in the whole hell and heaven thing"

"You can't not believe in whats happening right in front of you"

"Still don't believe in it"

"The devil himself is stood not three metres away from you"

"I'm not listening"

"I'll do something drastic"

"I'm sure you will Devil man"

"I'm serious"

"Yeah you are"

"Why aren't you taking me seriously?"

"That stuff does not exist"


You were watching tv when you heard shouting, you got up and opened your door. You saw Adam and his two older brothers

"Angel don't listen to them! Guys I will tell her just not now please"

"Your boyfriend and both of his brothers are murderers"


"Sorry Sammy but she needs to know"

"Not the way she needs to be told"

"Shut up Adam"

"No Dean she shouldn't have to find out this way you dick"

"Guys this isn't funny"

"Would you be quiet for a moment please"

"Dean! That's my girlfriend you're talking to"

"Shut up Adam!"


You were sat reading a book whilst waiting for Crowley to come home when you heard whimpers coming from your basement. You walked down the stairs to see a guy tied up in chains bleeding heavily.

"Oh my god"

You run to the guy and begin to look for a way to undo the chains

"Sweetheart what are you doing?"

"There's a bloody chained up guy in our basement"

"No there's a bloody chained up vampire in our basement"


"I'll explain later when we're eating dinner"


Dick Roman;

"Hey flower?"


"You know how you always say me and my henchmen aren't exactly normal?"


"Well we aren't"

"What do you mean?"

"We're Leviathans"

"What's one of those?"

"I'll explain later I have a meeting"

"You can't just drop that on me and leave"

"Sorry it's important"



You were sat at home watching TV when you got a text.

From: Kevin <3
By the way I'm a prophet who reads angel and demon tablets :) see you at dinner xx


"How come you've never had tea or steak or heard rock?"

"Oh I'm an angel"

"Come again?"

"I'm an angel we don't have this stuff up in heaven"

"Come again?"


You knew from the start he told you straight away plan and simple that he was from a different world to yours.

You knew about the supernatural world from when you were little, you were raised into the hunter life so when he decided to tell you the got a shock.

"Hey Bambi"

"Yes John?"

"I need to talk to you about where I was last week"

"I know where you were"

"I wasn't working away"

"I know you were out hunting a nest of vampires, one of which you lost"

"How do you know and I didn't lose one"

"I follow you when you go on hunts to make sure you're safe and I got it as it was escaping"

Benny; Obviously you knew from the go about supernatural things you were natural bred hunter and you fell in love with what you were supposed to hunt

Garth; You already knew about the supernatural world your sister was killed when you were sixteen and you had to know everything after that 

Chuck; You were a hunter before your mother died after which  you retired from hunting but then you got back into it after being with Chuck

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