He meets your family

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Dean; He was awkward the whole time, your father and Dean are the same when it comes to meeting people unless they do what I do and watch what I watch then no. They were both just drinking beer and watching football in silence until one team scored, they both angrily yelled the same thing at the TV and then they were non stop talking about football techniques and players.

Sam; He put on his Uni persona, your family was so impressed with him they invited you both round for dinner repeatedly for the next three weeks.

Castiel; He spent the whole time your family was there talking to your aunts sheep dog. He was amazed by the creature he thought she was great, they disappeared shortly before your parents had to leave. You found him in a cupboard with the sheep dog telling it that it would never have to leave because he loved it.

Balthazar; He got your parents drunk and they started talking about their sexual feats together, he thought it was hilarious. You had to drive your parents home whilst they were making out like a pair of teenagers in the back of your car.

Gabriel; He made the best impression possible on your family, it was so strange. He put on a suit, he was polite, no swearing, no cheeky innuendos, no alcohol, he even made sure all the underwear, candy and anything else was cleared away where they wouldn't see it. He cooked dinner, he poured drinks for everybody and he complimented all of the old birds in your family. It was great, then your family left. You turned away after the car drove off and he was stood in just his boxers and his tie eating a chocolate bar.

Michael; He was so polite; he took coats, he cooked dinner, he cleaned the entire house top to bottom which is why you feel awful about what happened. Your dad picked on him the whole time they were there because he was wearing your apron because you had no others. You brothers messed with the oven burning all the food to a crisp and then your sisters dog shed hairs all over the freshly hoovered house. He eventually snapped and ran out of the house in frustration. You yelled at your entire family and when he came back they'd made dinner, hoovered the house again and you'd forced your dad to walk around in the apron.

Lucifer; When he met your family they were immediately frightened. They all spent the evening on edge except for Lucifer of course who was as relaxed as he could be, he was being polite and smiling genuinely. The next day you phoned your family to ask what they thought and they all said there was just something sinister about him, he found it hilarious.

Adam; Every single female member of your family hit on him, your mother felt him up under the table, your sister cornered him in the kitchen and your nan tried to dirty talk him in the living room. 

Crowley; Everybody loved him, your mother thought he was very charming, your dad thought he was hilarious, your little sister got given a teddy bear and your older brother shared a lovely conversation with him about various alcoholic beverages and how some of the newer ones they bring out are tacky and how people should stick to aged drinks that are much classier and taste better.

Dick Roman; Your parents thought it was great that you were dating the Dick Roman you could see his ego inflating though, it definitely deflated when your siblings arrived. All younger than you and all sat making dick jokes for the entire four hours your family was there. You spent the evening trying not to laugh at the jokes.

Kevin; It was all fine, everybody was having a great time until your older brother began to challenge Kevins intellect. Boy did your brother go home embarrassed because Kevin beat him using words he couldn't understand. Your parents thought it was funny, you thought it was funny, Kevin walked around victorious and your thirty year old brother sat sulking because he was beat.

Samandriel; When he met your family he was really harsh about your sister and her abusive boyfriend, he said what he thought and what he thought was very blunt and hurt her feelings. However a few days later you got a cal from your sister telling you to thank Samandriel, he gave her the push she needed to let go and call help.

Ezekiel; He got into a huge debate with your sister over the ethical issues of abortion, the debate was going on well into the early hours of morning. The neighbours started to complain because of it so you hit Ezekiel with a vase and kicked your sister out

John; He sabotaged your dinner by putting extra salt in everything just to make sure your parents weren't possessed, he had to go out and buy from a take out place. Nonetheless your parents enjoyed chinese.

Benny; He made nothing but cakes for tea, so everybody had a huge sugary feast of cake, homemade doughnuts, brownies, flapjacks, cookies, rice crispy cakes and cake pops. It was very nice but you're pretty sure everybody was sick of sugar by the end of the day.

Garth; He focused on getting your younger siblings to like him, in theory if the kids liked him and he did everything with them they'd tell your mother and your mother would found him sweet and automatically like him and therefore he'd have your mother on his side and nothing else would matter. Unfortunately he didn't know your sister had a horrible fear of dolls and the tea party he set up didn't go well. Your mother still found it sweet that he tried though.

Chuck; Chuck was always really quiet and he remained that way whilst your parents were there, your father kept questioning him about his work and his alcohol problems and he got panicky and had an attack that scared the hell out of your parents. Your father was quiet as Chuck usually is after that.

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