His birthday

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Dean; You always throw him a little get together, couple of his close friends come round they drink some beer, reminisce and then eat some homemade birthday pie. He loves it he gets to have his family around him, drink some and show off his girlfriend whats more great?

Sam; Sam isn't  a huge fan of holidays or birthdays so the pair of you always stay in, have a quiet meal together, afterwards you'll give him his gift and then you'll enjoy the rest of the evening doing something together, board games or watching TV doesn't matter as long as you do it together

Castiel; Castiels never had a birthday before so he loved the idea of having one every year you change the date and surprise him. He never knows what day it's gonna be and he loves the suprise of it

Balthazar; Since he never celebrated birthdays before he got to pick his birth date, so every year on the date that you two met you go back and take a tour through the museum, Balthazar wistfully looking at all the money he could've made but one look at your face and he knows it was all worth it and he knows he'd pick you over and over if he had to 

Gabriel; Neither of you leave the bedroom enough said

Michael; On his 'creation day' as he calls it, you make him breakfast in bed if he hasn't got work you spend the day just cuddling in bed if he's at work when he comes back you two have a romantic dinner and then fall asleep on the sofa whilst watching old re-runs on the TV

Lucifer; Lucifer hates birthdays he hates all the special occasions. Despite this you always bring him a cupcake with a candle in it after you eat dinner and he always makes the same wish that you'll stay with him until the end

Adam; The two of you always do something new on his birthday whether it's something small or something big you always try something new

Crowley; He abandons work for the day and you too spend the day together in some other country or time eating dinner somewhere posh and walking along the beach in the evening

Dick Roman; You both wear party hats the whole day, no exceptions

Kevin; You spend the day doing sciency stuff with him, you think it's just because he likes you wearing a lab coat

Samandriel; You treat him as you would a ten year old, he loves birthdays and all the excitement that comes with

Ezekiel; He hates birthdays you always get him a little something regardless

John; You can't celebrate his birthday, he doesn't even remember his birth date

Benny; You go out and sit and have a drink together then when you get home you sing happy birthday to him until he falls asleep

Garth; You're his personal servant all day, doing anything he wants you to wearing whatever he want ;)

Chuck; You makes him cake and get him lots of little presents and sing him happy birthday and Sam and Dean come over to have tea and cake with you and everybody has a good time. It's the only day of the year guaranteed to be great for the pair of you 

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