Watching movies together

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Dean; He sits normally at one end of the sofa, you sit at the other end draped across the sofa feet resting on his thighs

Sam; You sit very close together his arm over your shoulders

Castiel; He He lays with his head in your lap„ you occasionally feeding him snacks that are on the coffee table next to you 

Balthazar; You two sit differently every time you watch a movie, but Balthazar never takes his eyes off you once 

Gabriel; You sit on his lap, nose in his neck his hands around your waist

Michael; You sit next to each other holding hands, sharing a bowl of popcorn

Lucifer; You two lay together hands clasped with each other both doomed if you fall off

Adam; He sits on the sofa and you sit on the floor in front of him, he fiddles with your hair whilst the movie plays

Crowley; He sits hunched forward taking notes whilst you slump back uninterested in helping him come up with new torture ideas

Dick Roman; You sit upside down feet in the air and he holds your hand, pulling you up when you get dizzy

Kevin; You sit and point out movie mistakes and often ruin the movie for each other

Samandriel; You feed each other popcorn sometimes end up having popcorn fights

Ezekiel; You both sit cross legged next to each other sharing snacks

John; He doesn’t watch movies, they’re a waste of time

Benny; He doesn't watch the movie he watches your reaction to the movie, he thinks it's cute

Garth; He just sits around you, eventually you just mould into one shape on the sofa

Chuck; Movies give him headaches so he lays across your lap with large ear plugs in

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