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Dean; Usually about you not telling him something that he supposedly needed to know. Arguments always end up with him sleeping on the sofa, crawling into the bed around 2am and whispering sorry in your ear

Sam; The pair of you don’t argue often or for long about halfway through you both agree arguing is not the way to solve the problem so you sit down to and talk about it.

Castiel; Usually arguments are one sided because Castiel doesn’t understand why you’re angry because in his eyes everything he does is justified. Eventually you kick him out and he asks someone; usually Dean for advice and after it’s explained to him he appears saying he understands why you’re angry and he will not do it again and he never does

Balthazar; You usually end up fighting with Balthazar over the way he brings home the bacon, you don’t like dishonesty so what he does upsets you. Usually the arguments end with him pointing out that without him you’d have nothing afterwards he’ll storm out to cool off and you’re left to cry it out for a bit. When he comes back you run into his arms and you both apologise.

Gabriel; Arguments with Gabriel are always pretty much the same, you both scream at each other and then whilst still arguing you have angry sex which makes you both forget what the argument was about in the first place

Michael; Arguments with Michael usually start about him working too much without a word he’ll disappear then reappear with a bunch of flowers and apologise but explain it’s an important job and they need him. You agree and then for a few heavenly hours the routine is gone and he just holds you tightly and treats you to lots of comforting kisses.

Lucifer; Your fights are awful, last time you had to get a new house due to fire, nobody could figure out what started it

Adam; When you and Adam fight it gets ugly. There’s screaming shouting throwing objects at each other but in the end you always end up crying in each other’s arms

Crowley; You and Crowley don’t really argue. You shout at him and he’ll simply sit and smirk at you after you finish yelling he simply walks over takes your face into his hands and says ‘You’re absolutely stunning when you’re angry’ then you lock lips in  breath taking kiss

Dick Roman; He doesn't back down but neither do you. You've been known to argue for weeks on end relentlessly arguing until one wins

Kevin; You try and make things better as you fight which eventually resolves the problem

Samandriel; Samandriel doesn't like fighting it makes him hyperventilate and have a panic attack, his siblings always fighting as he grew up screwed with his head a little

Ezekiel; He tries to avoid arguments whenever he can, he dislikes them and when you two do fight you don't really argue, you just have more aggressive tones towards each other

John; He screams you scream then he moves out for a few days

Benny; He refuses to argue he just sits and listens to you yell until you let it all out

Garth; You can't argue with Garth he literally makes jokes the whole way through even when you yell and shout he just tells you to pull his finger 

Chuck; You both yell and argue and then the next day he'll hand you a small book of possible solution with a diagram at the back usually of the two of you hugging 

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