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Dean; He grips your shoulders tight before he hugs you, that's how you tell the difference between his moods. If he grips your shoulders extremely tight then that means he's upset and if he grasps them lightly then he's okay.

Sam; When Sam hugs you he inhales your scent deeply, you can physically feel him inhale when you hug him. It's how you tell he's okay.

Castiel; You love Cas' hugs it's like hugging a giant teddy bear. He's surprisingly warm for an angel, Cas gives the best hugs; they're warm and they last just the right amount of time. You could just sink into his trench coat and stay there.

Balthazar; Balthazar tends to pick you up when he hugs you, literally sweeping you off your feet. If your feet don't leave the floor then you know that there's something wrong.

Gabriel; No matter where you are or who you're with or what you're doing Gabriel always has his hands on your ass. Every single hug when he's upset or happy or angry, his hands are always rested on your ass.

Michael; When you hug Michael it's nice, cosy. You put your arms around his torso and hold tightly, he places one hand on your lower back and the other presses down on the back of your neck and holds you close so you can't escape from his grasp.

Lucifer; You bury you head into his neck and just stay there for minutes and minutes, somehow you both always know when to let go at the same time.

Adam; Adam doesn't hug, he tackles. He never just hugs you he has to tackle you to the floor and then give you a huge cheesy smile when you get up from the floor.

Crowley; Crowley gives you a cheeky smile before holding his arms out for a hug and motioning with his hands until you give in and walk into his arms.

Dick Roman; He hugs you from behind, he never hugs you whilst you're facing him. He twirls you around or leads you to another part of the room and he always hugs you from behind. Smiling into your shoulder as you lean back into him.

Kevin; Kevin likes to surprise you, he puts his hands over your eyes or pokes you in the side or whispers boo in your ear. But he always makes you jump before he hugs you it's some weird thing with him. 

Samandriel; You always have to initiate hugs with Samandriel, you don't know why but he always feels awkward because he's not sure how you're supposed to initiate a hug.

Ezekiel; It sounds weird but he shouts at you, he shouts your name before he hugs you it's kind of strange but oh well, you love his hugs. He's always soft and he always tickles you to make you squirm a little in his arms.

John; Johns hugs are short and sweet, he prefers to show you his compassion in other ways so when you hug it's a quick thing. But you still appreciate the smell of him when he's close.

Benny; Benny's hugs are the same everytime. He hugs you takes in your scent and then after five seconds exactly; you're pretty sure he counts it out in his head. After five seconds he rubs his beard on your forehead making you giggle and squirm in his arms.

Garth; Garth being Garth has to bend down to hug you properly and sometimes he gets lazy so he just picks you up. He picks you up and hugs you for ages and if he gets bored he just picks you up and carries you around. Sometimes for hours.

Chuck; He buries his nose in you neck and grasps your waist enjoying all his senses being fully in depth with you. He doesn't let go for ages but you don't mind. Not really. 

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