The Fight for Atlantis

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Cindra ran as Joey tried to catch up to her. She let him catch her as they rolled together in the sand.

"Can we go back to the amusement park and finish riding the rides?" Cindra questioned.

"We can ride any or all that you want," Joey answered.

They layed in the warm sand and kissed. Ocean breezes blowed over Atlantis as daily life returned to normal. Joey and Cindra left the Island in the jet. They continued on their honeymoon.

In the heavens where the buildings sits on clouds and the gods live. Zeus sat on his golden throne and called audiences before him. His long black hair and muscles said volumes about his power and strength. He wore a simply white robe gathered by a soft golden belt. Aphrodite is the god of love. Her long blonde hair and beauty are legendary. She also wears the white comfortable robes and sits in a smaller gold throne next to Zeus.

"I don't understand way Neptune no longer wants to be a god?" Zeus said to Aphrodite.

"You have got to be kidding me. Neptune has always been unhappy and never wanted to be a god," Aphrodite said.

"Hades said that Neptune's son-in-law controls the power crystals of the gods," Zeus said.

"Yes that would be Joey. Him and Cindra had just married a few days ago. I love watching them because they make such a beautiful couple," Aphrodite said as she held her hands over her heart.

"Does Cindra know that she's one half god?" Zeus asked.

"No she doesn't," Aphrodite answered.

"Well this is interesting. We have a god who doesn't want to be a god and we have a demigod who doesn't know that she a demigod," Zeus said.

"Yes isn't love and happiness wonderful?" Aphrodite said.

"If I didn't know better I would have guessed that you had a hand in this," Zeus said.

"I haven't interfered. This is truely what they want," Aphrodite said.

"Well for right now no one seem unhappy about this situation so we'll let it be," Zeus said.

"Thank you Zeus. Your wise and kind," Aphrodite said with a smile.

Back on Atlantis, Neptunis and Margie drove up to Joey beach house. Joan had invited them over for breakfast. As they got out of the car Margie took a deep sniff.

"Do you smell that?" she asked.

"Yes it smell like coffee and cinnamon rolls," Neptunis answered.

"I wasn't real hungry but now I am," Margie said.

"Me too. How does she do that to us?" Neptunis asked.

"I don't know. I don't think it's intentional. Joan is a good cook," Margie said.

They rang the door bell and Joan let them in.

"Good morning. Are you ready for breakfast?" Joan asked.

"Yes," Neptunis said.

"Did Cindra and Joey continue with their honeymoon?" Margie asked.

"Yes they were so happy to get away again," Joan answered.

"I asked a few of my guards to watch over them in case we didn't get all of Merricks organanization," Neptunis said.

"That was so nice of you. Now I don't have to worry," Joan said.

Joan rushed into the kitchen and brought out a tray of cinnamon rolls and a pot of coffee to the outside deck and they ate breakfast.

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