The Fight for Atlantis part 9

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Cindra and Joey returned to the house.

"Where you two get off to?" Joan asked.

"We went to the other side of the island," Joey said.

"Daddy you know what this means?" Cindra asked.

Neptunis stared at Cindra. He could no longer deny that he was once Neptune.

"Honey you have finally made me realize that I was once Neptune. Deep down inside I was terrified of the truth, but now seeing you as a goddess, I wonder what I gave up all those years ago," Neptune said.

Happy tears appeared in everyones eyes as Neptune made the epiphany of his life time.

"What are you going to do daddy?" Cindra asked.

"I'm going to ask Joey for a huge favor."

"Anything you want Neptunis," he answered.

"May I have the crystal, to become who I once was?" Neptunis asked.

"Yes, they are yours. Let's go to the vault," Joey said.

"Can I take every one there?" Cindra asked.

"I don't know honey?" Neptunis said.

"Everyone form a close circle with Cindra in the center," Joey said.

The group started to vanish and appeared in the vault. Joey pulled out the crystals and handed each one to Neptunis as he absorbed them. After the last one, Neptunis began to glow and vanished from the vault.

"Daddy!" Cindra screamed.

"He'll be alright he's Neptune now," Joey said.

Neptune appeared on the steps of Olympus. He walked to the top and through the curtains. Zeus sat on the golden throne. He smiled as his long lost son walked up to him.

"It's good to see you," Zeus said.

"It's good to see you father," Neptune said.

"Where have you been all this time?"

"I have been living a Merman life after the evil sea witches took my powers and erased my memory's, but once I saw Cindra in all her powers, I realized who I was."

"I blame Hadies because he's always been jealous of you. What are you going to do to him?" Zeus asked.

Neptune thougth for a moment as he looked at the beauty of Olympus.

"Forgive him, he showed me that it was silly to be so sad," Neptune said with a smile.

"That's my favorite son talking," Zeus bragged.

"How is everyone doing?" Neptune asked.

"Your sister, Aphrodite, only wants to talk about Cindra and Joey," Zeus said.

"I can imagine, they are singularly responsible for finding my crystals and restoring Atlantis to all it's former beauty," Neptune said.

"This Joey is mortal?"

"Yes and so clever, that he figured out how to use the crystal to fight the evil Merrick," Neptune bragged.

"This sounds like an adventure, tell me more," Zeus said.

The two caught upon all they had missed, then Neptune returned to Atlantis.

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