The Fight for Atlantis part 10

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Neptune appeared next to Cindra, as her and Joey ate lunch at their sea side home at Atlantis.

"Hi Daddy would you like something for lunch?" Cindra asked.

"No honey. I need to gather everyone on Atlantis and talk to them," Neptune said.

"I set up a public announcement system when we wired Atlantis for emergencies," Joey said a he took another bite from his sandwich.

"Cindra can you quickly visit Aaron and the rest of the mermaid colonies and ask them to come to Atlantis. for the yearly party," Neptune asked.

"Sure Daddy," Cindra said then vanished.

"Are you wanting to make this a huge party?" Joey asked.

"The largest if you can," Neptune answered.

"Let me get to work," Joey said as he opened up his computer tablet.

"Anything I can do?" Neptune asked.

"Yes asks my mom to the party," Joey suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"I can tell by the way she looks at you that she likes you," Joey said with a smile.

Neptune went into the kitchen where Joan was at.

Aphrodite appeared next to Joey as he typed on his tablet.

"That was so sweet of you to have my brother ask your mom to the party," Aphrodite said.

"Why shouldn't he,  she's been lonely most of her life, plus I like Neptune,"  Joey said.

"Your a match maker just like me," she said.

"Love is the most powerful of all powers," Joey said.

"That's what I try to tell Aries all the time, but does he listen to me? No," Aphrodite said.

Aphrodite looked at Joey and said, "see you at the party sweety, " then she vanished.

Neptune look at Joan then cleared his throat.

"Would you like to go to the yearly party with me?" he asked.

"Sure," Joan answered.

"Joey making arrangements," Neptune said.

"How many are expected?" Joan asked.

"All of the people on Atlantis and all the mermen and mermaids," Neptune said.

"That's a lot," Joan said.

"Yeah, but it's been years since I've gave the reverse aging blessing to everyone," Neptune said.

Cindra returned and brought Neptune his three pronged scepter and handed it to him.

"Here Daddy Aaron said that you would want this," Cindra said.

A tear appeared in Neptune's eye as he held the scepter.

"He kept it for me all these years?" Neptune asked.

"Yes Daddy, " Cindra said.

"Did you know that the scepter helps me access my powers more easily?" Neptune asked.

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