The Fight for Atlantis part 2

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Neptunis bit in to the roll and then sipped on his coffee. Margie tried to dip hers but they were so soft that it easily fell apart in her coffee.

"We were fortunate Joey had a plan to deal with Merrick," Margie said.

"Joey has always been like that," Joan said.

"I'm glad that Cindra has Joey because all of us mermaids would be picking magnesium nuggets off the ocean floor for the evil Merrick," Neptunis said.

"I glad to because I have watched her grow up into a beautiful mermaid women with Joey's love," Margie said.

"I have a question about what happened at the wedding. Why did everyone fall asleep and wake up moments later?" Joan asked.

"I was attacked by the evil sea witches when this man appeared in a puff of flames and saved me while everyone slept. He was puzzled why I didn't want to be a god then he handed me the shiny black crystal that the witches had then he said that the red crystal could make me remember," Neptunis said.

"I had been telling you and every one that you use to be Neptune a strong and powerful god," Margie said.

"I didn't believe you because I thought that you were getting senile since you were very old," Neptunis said.

"It was just because the sea witches used the red crystal on you. I gave up hope of changing you back because the crystals were gone and you seemed happy for the first time in your life," Margie said.

"If the man that saved you is Hadies and is your brother that makes you Neptune," Joan said.

Joan walked over to the small library of books that she had accumulated over the years. She pulled out an old book and brought it out to the deck. Joan opened the old book and looked up Neptune. There was sketch of Neptunis drawn in because back then they didn't have cameras for photographs.

"It looks like you," Joan said as she passed the book to him.

"Wow. It does look like me and it looks like I'm angry about something," Neptunis said.

"Let's look up Hadies," Margie suggested.

Joan flipper through the book until she reached the picture which read Hadies. She turned it so Neptunis could see the drawing.

"That's the one who saved me," Neptunis said.

"Then you can't deny it you are Neptune," Margie said.

"It seems that I am Neptune," Neptunis said.

"Now that we have all of the crystals together you can become a god again if you want to," Joan said.

"That wouldn't be fair to Joey or Cindra since they risked their lives obtaining them," Neptunis said.

"Your right will have to wait and discuss it with them," Margie said.

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