I Can't Help Falling In Love With You (song fic Phil's pov)

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I stared at Dan lovingly while we were filming our new gaming video. I fixed my eyes back in the computer screen to our virtual son, Dil Howlter.

Wise men say only fools rush in...

I sighed, knowing he could never love me. I was going too fast with this whole 'in love with my best friend' thing. I immediately assumed that he would like me back once I started liking him in 2009. He did, actually, and we had a relationship. Then came the Valentine's Day Video. It went public, everyone saw it. In 2012, Dan did everything he could to stop people from thinking he was gay or anything close to that. Thus, 'No Homo Howell' was born.

We weren't together after that and I fell in love with him all over again. Well, I loved him the whole time.

But I can't help falling in love with you...

"Phil!" Dan pulled me out of my thoughts, making me jump.

"Oh!" I turn to him. "Yeah?"

"Did you hear me? Are you deaf?" He giggled.

"Um... Yes?" I guessed with a smile. I pretended I didn't hear what he said.

"Well that explains a lot." He shook his head at the camera and returned to the game.

Shall I stay, would it be a sin...

I thought about how Dan in 2012 said what we were doing before was disgusting, hated, a sin. But I heard him crying in his room.

I added on to the video until we were finally done, and headed to the living room. I watched him go onto his laptop.

If I can't help falling in love with you...

I slid in next to Dan, clicking on the TV to watch a rerun of Doctor Who.

"I'm gonna go make dinner," I decided and walked to the kitchen. Dan followed me so he could keep me company. I couldn't help smiling at how sweet he was.

"What should we have?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"Spaghetti," Dan replied after thinking for a second. I nodded and started on it.

Like a river flows...

I made two plates and brought it to the dining room, sitting in my regular spot.

He sprinkled cheese on it.

Surely to the sea...

"Bleh," I made a gagging motion at the sight of the cheese and he laughed. His laugh. His laugh is like the whole world being reborn. I remember the first time I heard it in real life, I tackled him and started kissing him. That was our first kiss. I couldn't help it, he was an adorable, unconfident, eighteen year old boy.

"Remember when we were eighteen and twenty-two, and we were so happy to have just met. And we started laughing and then we k-" I stopped myself from talking about our first kiss. I said things before thinking a lot.

Darling so it goes...

"We kissed?" Dan smiled at his plate. I blushed the colour of the red sauce on the pasta. "The good old days when we... We were in love."

'Did he just say that?!!' I thought, biting my lip to stop from smiling too much.

"Yeah..." I saw him start to panic (!at the disco), his eyes grew wide and I could tell his brain was running wild. He looked up to see me smiling at him and relaxed.

Some things are meant to be...

"Hey," Dan said after checking his phone. "There's a party at Pj's tomorrow, want to go?"

"Sure," I smiled and went to the kitchen to put my dish in the dishwasher and began to wash the pot I made the spaghetti in. Dan joined me with a big, stupid grin plastered on his face. He reached for a sponge and helped me wash the pot humming no exact tune.

Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you...

Our hands touched and I swore electricity coursed through my body. I blushed, and maintained my hard work scrubbing with the soapy sponge.

The next night, we rushed around the house getting ready for Pj's party. I decided to wear my maroon button up with white hearts shirt and my usual black jeans. Dan looked stunning in his moth shirt and black jeans. He had curls in his hair, and I decided not to tell him. We would be late if I had to wait for him to straighten his hair. Also he looked hella cute.

"Let's go," Dan grabbed my hand but moved his grasp to my wrist as we bounded down the stairs to a waiting taxi.

We sat a seat away from each other. I peered down at our hands almost touching in the middle seat no one occupied. I looked out the window and slowly inched my hand to touch his so it would look like an accident. When they made a connection, I refused to look from the heat rising to my cheeks. I finally did and Dan was staring at me with a smile hinting at his face.

The taxi ride ended, and we payed and thanked the cabbie. I knocked on Peej's door, hearing music play and people laugh. Chris opened it and pulled us into a hug.

"You're here!" He welcomed us in and handed us beers. It was pretty crowded with friends buzzing around drunkly.

"Let's sit here," Dan shouted over the music.

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea...

I sat next to him and we happily chatted, getting greeted by friends once in a while. We didn't drink much but everyone else around us was pretty drunk. They slurred their sentences and fell asleep or threw up in random places.

Dan and I observed quietly and pointed out certain people and their actions.

"Oh my god," I giggled. "Look at Chris," Chris was climbing up every wall using bookshelves and tables pretending he was Spider-Man.

Darling, so it goes...

A slow song began to play. 'I can't help falling in love with you' the cover by Twenty One Pilots. Couples grabbed each other and swayed back and forth, the more drunk single people getting anyone attractive they could find.

I glanced at Dan to find him watching his friends with a longing look planted in his eyes. I leaned against him and he smiled at me sadly. He seemed wanting to be with someone at this moment.

Some things are meant to be...

"Phil," Dan started. "I need to say sorry."

"About what?" I wondered and cocked my head.

"About... 2012. All you did was love me, while I... just pushed you away. I'm so sorry," Dan turned away.

Take my hand
Take my whole life, too...

"Hey, hey," I took his hand in mine. "I understand what happened. It's okay."

Dan looked nervously at my hand and in the dim light I couldn't tell if he was blushing or not. His eyes fixed back on me, on my lips first. I took a deep breath.

"Fuck it," I muttered under my breath. "Want to dance?"

"Yes," Dan replied almost too quickly, but I thought it was adorable. We stood up and wrapped our arms around each other to sway slowly to the music.

For I can't help falling in love with you...

The music took us away. We stared deep into each other's eyes, beaming from ear to ear. I slowly began to lean in and Dan copied me. I shook. I hadn't done this for years. But I remembered kissing Dan always gave me chills. Like I was falling in love all over again every time.

For I can't help falling in love with you.

Our lips connected, and I was happier than I had been in years.

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