The Flashback (Dan's pov)

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"Mum, I'm going to the park," I tell her and before she answers I leave the house and go on the four block journey to this park.
Berkeley Park is its name. It's usually packed with small children and mothers with strollers. But it's empty since its 8:00 at night. I'm meeting someone there.

I hum I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance while on my peaceful walk. My mind wanders, and suddenly I'm on a school field trip 3 years ago.


I'm 14 years old, and my girlfriend whom my friends forced me to ask out leads me down the dark and dreary hall of the main cabin of the camp we are at for a school field trip for 4 days. She giggles excitedly. She had always been rebellious, and I wasn't surprised when she snatched me out of my bed an hour after lights out coming from the girl's cabin.

"C'mon, Dan," Cassie whispers as we stumble down a staircase to an empty common room. "I just couldn't wait any longer."

We shuffle along until we reach a couch, and she pushes me down. Cassie crawls on top of me, straddling me with knees on the couch. My girlfriend kisses me, forcing her tongue in my mouth. She explores it, and all I can think about is how much I hate this.

My mind goes to Phil Lester, the cute boy in our class who I am crushing on. I mentally slap myself, being gay is wrong. Cassie talks about that all the time.

She giggles and pulls off her shirt. Her hands grab my wrists and guides them to her breasts. I want to resist, but I know she would be mad at me. I place my hands on her boobs as she unbuttons my pants.

"Dan," Cassie whispers. "I have been waiting so long for this." She moves her head lower so I can no longer reach her boobs. I almost sigh in relief, but realize she's about to give me a hand job. Her hands travel down my underwear. She grips it and lifts it out of my boxers. She starts, and I almost throw up. I don't want to do this with a girl, and not at this age. I try to let my mind wander to good times.

"Oh my god!" A voice sounds from the doorway. I take this opportunity to pull my pants back up. I don't want anyone to see this, but I'm thankful I didn't have to go through with it.

I look at the owner of the voice, it's Phil, the tall, cute, black haired boy in our class. He stands, not moving in the entryway. I stand up, pushing Cassie out of the way. Tears threaten to fall out of my eyes.

"Dan!" Phil calls after me. I run outside through a door down here and onto a hill. Phil grabs my shoulder and sees the tears. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I sniff, turning away from him.

"Did you... Consent?" Phil sees me sit and follows my lead.

"Well, I didn't do anything to try to stop it. All my friends would be proud of me I guess. And I'm supposed to enjoy it, aren't I? What's wrong with me? Why didn't I?" I rest my head in my knees.

"Dan, it's okay not to like it," Phil is the most understanding person I have ever met.


"Hey, that's okay," Phil puts an arm around me. "Also, me too."

"Wait, really?" I lift my head to meet his blue eyes glimmering from the light of the nearby cabins. A smile forms, competing with Phil's.

"Yeah," Phil nodded. "I also have a crush on you."

"I-I have a crush on you, too," I look at his lips. He leans forward slowly, and I do too. Our lips connect, and for the first time being a teenager I feel happy, carefree, and loved.

I broke up with Cassie later that week. My friends kind of left me, but Phil's friends Pj, Chris, Connor and Troye befriended me.

Me and Phil started dating secretly with kisses in empty locker rooms, dates on early mornings in cafes, and trips to the park.

I smile at my flashback which started out horrible but ended with the best thing that happened to me as a 14 year old: Phil.

"Hey Dan," My boyfriend walks up to me. We always go to the park to see each other since its in the middle of our houses. I kiss him, and we sit up against the tree so we can talk and enjoy each other's company for a while.

He is a great boyfriend, loyal, loving, sweet, funny, cute, and my whole world.

"Hey Phil," I nuzzle my head in his chest. We talk, deep and existential conversations, and also funny and weird topics.

"I love you, Phil," I tell him with a kiss.

"I love you, too," He kisses me back.

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