Standing Up (dan's pov)

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On the other side of the room, sitting alone, was a small blond haired boy toying around with Legos. I waddled over to him, having nothing to do by myself, and began to play with him.

"Hi, I'm Dan," I said politely and excitedly.

"I'm Phil," The other boy replied. "Want to help me build this house out of Legos?" So that's what Phil was doing.

"Of course I would!" I jumped up from my chair across from him and flopped down in the chair next to him. "Can I do the roof?"

"Sure!" Phil smiled at me.

And that was how our friendship started. In kindergarten when we had no one to play with. We grew up together as best friends and now, here we are. I'm fourteen year old Dan Howell, questioning my sexuality and wondering if I like my best friend.

"Phil," I say into the phone to my friend. "Come over."

"Okay I'll be there in a few." Phil only lives two houses away, which was lucky having play dates and sleepovers when we were little. I remember at the sleepovers sometimes we'd practise a kiss on each other like when we were five years old to eight. We thought it was normal. Eight was the last time we did it when people started to call us gay for always hanging out with each other. We got into a fight that luckily only lasted a month.

"Hey Dan," Phil says walking right into the house and pulling me away from my memories.

"Hi," I grab a bag of crisps from the kitchen counter and start to munch on them. "Want to sleepover?"

"Sure," Phil sits on my couch in the living room next to the kitchen and begins to channel search until he lands on one of the Harry Potter movies.

"Ooh," I rush to the couch. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, my favorite." (My actual favorite Harry Potter movie.)

Before sitting on the couch, I slip popcorn in the microwave and watch Harry climb onto the night bus. The microwave beeps, and I return to the couch to share the bag with Phil. I slump against him, smiling.

"Which Harry Potter movie is your favorite?" I ask as I flip through the channels when the movie has finished.

"Definitely..." Phil hesitates. "The Halfblood Prince."

Spoilers if you haven't read or watched it I'll tell you when this is over you aren't missing anything

"But that one is so sad since Harry and Dumbledore go all the way on that mission and the horcrux isn't even there. And then to tie it all together, Snape kills Dumbledore just to make you cry," I explain to him. Phils face switches from the happy face to a sad expression once he hears my reasoning.

"Yeah," He sighs and leans his head on my shoulder. A grin begins to spread across his face. "But that's why I love it. I love sad movies, crying and like, (spoilers are over!!!!!!!!!!!!!) cuddling with the person you watched it with. You bond well."

"Then we should watch the saddest movie of all time," I sneakily grin. "Hatchi."

"Okay," He nods and I search for it, finding it be free and turning it on.

His words through the movie consist of this: "What's going on.... Wait... I don't understand why did he.... OH MY GOD.... NOOO.... NOO no no no no.... Awww.... WHYYYY.... THAT'S HOW IT ENDS????" Tears streak both our faces and we're hugging each other tightly. His gross snotty face turns to mine.

"I cannot believe they ended it like that," He sniffs. "Let's go to bed."

I nod and we head upstairs to my room, him holding my hand, the other one around my back and he head in my shoulder. We slip in the Queen-sized bed together, clutching each other tightly.

"I told you it was sad," I smile sadly. I lean closer to him, our faces inches away. He does the same until our foreheads are touching. Finally, he makes the connection between our lips. We hold the position for a while, finally coming back up for air.

"I've been wanting to do that again," I bite my lip.

"Yeah..." He says, grinning from ear to ear. A notification pops up in his phone and he glances at it, becoming distracted. "Oh my god, Dan. Look at this."

I take his phone from his hands and see the post on Instagram by one of the popular boys and girls in our grade. Phil and I aren't popular. Very far from it, actually. I stare at the screen. It's a picture through a window from outside a house. It's two people holding hands and hugging each other tightly. One has their arm around the other who's wearing my exact pyjama pants... "Is this us? What the fuck?" I say the curse quieter since my parents are a few rooms away.

"I think so," He tears me out of the bed after he stands up and pulls me downstairs to where it looks like the picture was taken from.

I open the door quietly, as not to wake my parents. Me and Phil hold each other's hands on instinct, but pull away when we realize what we are about to deal with.

I hear giggling from the street, and head towards the sound. The popular kids are in a small circle huddled around someone's phone. I step behind a tree so they don't see us and force Phil to do the same. He checks his phone, seeing the comments.

'Gay'... 'Gross homos'... 'Die fags'... 'Ew i bumped into one yesterday I'm gonna get infected'. I lean over his shoulder and don't even notice the voices quieting down.

"Oh my god, they're following us? Freaks," A girl's voice surprises me and Phil making us jump. The group surrounds her. "What do you want?"

"Um..." I panic (!at the disco). "Why are you at my house?" I finally manage. Me and Phil are holding hands behind our backs from fear.

All they do is laugh. I squeeze Phil's hand to keep the tears in my eyes. One slips out against my will.

"Is Dan crying?" One boy from the back teases. Phil stands up straighter. He loosens his grip, but not enough to disconnect our hands. He steps away from me to expose us to the group.

"Yeah," Phil says. "Because you harass him. What does it get you? Laughs from your friends? How does it make you laugh to see someone so hurt? What if we laughed at you when you were sobbing and we had no idea what was going on in your laugh to make you cry? Maybe your sibling died," He rants, making the kids in front of us shift uncomfortably. "This stuff, everyone saying how they want Dan to die, has been going on for a while. So shut the fuck up. You have no right to laugh at anyone for crying. Or telling anyone you hate their existence. They could kill themself." Phil knows I've considered suicide."So fuck off, get out now."

A guy sneers but quiets down when everyone else is silent.

I stare in disbelief, proud of my best friend. Phil turns to me before I realize what's going on, grabs my face, and kisses me. He smirks at the flock of cool kid's faces in awe. He grabs my hand and takes me back inside.

"Phi-" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"Hey," He looks back. "It's okay. That was really fun," He glances at the teenagers behind us. The popular kids are sat on my lawn, silent. Someone's phone is on with the light shining on their face. When we enter the house again with Phil's arm supporting around my shoulder, I check my phone to see the Instagram post was gone. I show Phil as we climb back to bed.

"That was amazing," I place my head gently on his chest and he holds it in place. "I-I love you."

"I love you, too," He hugs me tight and we fall asleep cuddling in each other's arms.

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