Nightmares (Dan's pov)

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Dan sat up, staring at the black haired boy sleeping next to him. He smiled, washing away his bad dream with good thoughts about Phil.

"Dan...?" Phil yawned. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Dan nodded. "Just a bad dream."

"Tell me about it," Phil sat up on his elbows to listen to the dream.

"Are you sure?" Dan never had anyone this interested in him. Especially a hot, husky-voiced, guy.

Phil nodded.

"Well..." Dan lay back down, facing Phil. "We are walking down the streets... In-in Manchester. And then, this person, face unknown, came up with a gun and started shooting pedestrians. I couldn't move... You know how that happens in dreams. And then you stared me straight in the eye and told me... You never liked me. And then the person shot you. And I was left there frozen and I got shot and I woke up."

Phil stared at Dan for a moment, then pulled him in a tight embrace.

"I have liked you all along, Dan," Phil whispered into Dan's ear. "And I never intend to let go. We may not have known each other long, since October, but I have never been happier."

"Thank you, Phil," Tears began to slip down Dan's face. When Phil pulled away, he wiped them away with his shirt sleeve.

Cold January air rushed around the house, making Dan curl closer to Phil then normal. He didn't mind, though.

Dan looked up at his idol, crush, boyfriend, friend, and over all amazing human, and kissed him. Phil kissed back, a grin plastered on his lips.

"I love you, Phil," Dan murmured. It was his first time telling Phil 'I love you' and this seemed like the perfect time.

"I love you too, Dan," Phil kissed Dan's forehead and held it close to his chest.

Dan fell asleep in Phil's loving embrace, happy to have found his guy.

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