Single Dad (Dan's pov)

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I pull my daughter out the door by her hand and turn around briefly to lock the door then walk down the hall to the elevator.

I say a good morning to my neighbor Lilly on my way out and receive a grunt in response. I shrug it off and walk down the one block to the park.

"What do you want to do Allie?" I bend down to the height of my five year old daughter.

"I want to swing!" Allie gallops over to the swing set and pulls herself onto the rubber seat.

I hurry over and give her a push to get her started. She squeals and pumps until she thinks she is in danger of going all the way around the top bar just like I thought when I was her age.

I smile at the young girl that is my daughter.

I adopted her with my now ex-husband Jessie. He divorced me when I insisted he get a job so we could actually afford our house. I moved into my flat when Allie was two years old. I got a better job and drop her off at day-care when i work.

It's six o'clock pm on a Saturday and I just got home from work. I lean against the chilly pole of the swing set and watch Allie fling through the air and onto the ground.


"Allie!" I yell and stumble-run to her side where tears well up in her eyes.

She lets the tears go and wails like a siren.

"Does anything hurt? Are you okay? Oh god," I bite back a curse and left her into my arms. She cradles her right arm and gasps for air. "Shit." I mutter finally.

She hangs limply in my arms as I carry her to the side of the road and call for a taxi. It's a short ride.

Once we get to A&E I rush to the front desk and a tall (and handsome) doctor takes my daughter to a room and I follow close behind.

"Your name?" He asks.

"Daniel Howell. Her name is Allison Howell," I tell him.

"I am Doctor Lester," He sets Allie on a bed carefully. "We're gonna have to get her arm x-rayed." I told them the emergency before.

Once that's done, he recognizes a break in the ulna. Dr. Lester follows the procedure for a broken arm and when he's done has her arm raps in a yellow (Allie's favorite colour) fiberglass cast.

"Single dad?"

I nod in reply.

"Me too. I have a three year old son," He mentions. "I'm Phil Lester, by the way. Nice to meet you, Daniel." He eyes my clothes and hair and smiles.

"I go by Dan, actually," A smile grows on my lips. I study his happy grin as we shake hands. He's cute.

"Call me," Phil rips a sticky not off its stack on his desk and writes down a number. "You know, in case anything happens with her arm." He winks and giggles.

"Yeah, of course," I take the number and head out. I fill out a form at the front desk and me and Allie head for home taking a taxi. She falls asleep in my lap so I carry her down the hall and put her right into bed.

I set the number on my bedside table and fall asleep happily.


I wake up slowly to my annoying alarm pinging and grab my phone to shut it off. I sigh and push myself up from my bed to go make breakfast.

The omelet sizzles in the pan and I flip it onto a plate and set it aside with another plate over it to keep it hot. I make myself one and go to the table to wait for Allie.

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