Chapter 7

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Coulson called me into his office as soon as I got to school. I think that I spent more time in there than in my actual classes.

"I know that you haven't been here in a while, so let me get you up to speed" Coulson started "Bobbie and Hunter left SHIELD".

"What. Why".

"For political relations reasons" he went on to explain the entire incident.

"I can't believe that they're gone" I muttered.

"That isn't all" he said "you remember how I killed Ward".

I nodded slowly.

"He's back, but it isn't Ward; it's somethings else in his body" Coulson finished.

"Someone told me that yesterday, and James said that when I first met him, now that you're saying it, I think that it's true".

"It is" Coulson pulled up the security footage on his computer.

"Yeah that's the maniac that tried to kill me" I said "How do we take him out" I asked.

"Daisy is trying to figure that one out".

"How can I help".

"You can help by staying out of this. The creature can burn people alive".

"So can I, I just don't".

"I can't afford to loose another asset, now get to class".

When I got home that night, I turned on the news. All I had heard about was the Frank Castle trial. In all honesty, I thought that Frank Castle had good intentions; he just wasn't doing things the right way.

My phone buzzed; it wasn't a number I recognized, but I picked up anyways.


"Is this Will Rogers" a woman asked.

"Yeah, who is this".

"Karen Paige. I don't know if you remember me; we met about a year ago in Hell's Kitchen" the woman said. I remembered her. She woke me up after a panic attack.

"I remember you, what do you need".

"If you've seen the news then you know that Matt and Foggy are representing Frank Castle in court" she started "Mr. Castle has asked to see a Ragnarok. I remembered what you told us so I called you".

"Why does he want to see me".

"He didn't say, but he did say that you and I are the only people that he'll speak with".

"Text me the address, I'll be there in twenty" I hung up and grabbed my coat.

"Will where are you going" Steve walked through the door was soon as I touched the knob.

"I was just going for a jog. I'll be back in a couple of hours" I said brushing past him.

"Where are you really going" he grabbed my arm.

"Fine, Matt Murdock wanted me to help him with a case. I'll be back in a few hours, okay" I lied again escaping his grip and hurrying down the stairs.

Karen told me to meet her at a hospital in Hell' Kitchen. When I got there a police officer stopped me.

"You can't be up here miss" he said.

"Don't worry she's with us" Karen said rushing up to us "Will, it's good to see you again".

She let to to their makeshift office where Foggy Nelson was bent over a stack of papers.

"So when do I meet Frank Castle" I asked.

"Karen are you sure that Will Rogers is Ragnarok" Foggy whispered.

"I am Ragnarok. At least that's what I was at Hydra" I said "where's Matt".

"We have no clue. He took this case and abandoned us" Foggy said. I knew where Matt was, he was off fighting the people that tried to take me just days before.

"Is there anything that I need to know before I meet Mr. Castle".

"Don't aggravate him" someone said from the doorway. I turned to look at the man. It was Matt.

"Look who finally decided to show up" Foggy muttered.

"Come on" Karen led me to Frank's room.

A guard took Matt's stick and let us in.

"Frank" Karen said "we found Ragnarok".

He looked up. "I wanna speak with her alone".

"We can't do that" Foggy started.

"I'll be fine" I said.

"You're a kid".

"Yeah, a kid with powers, I can handle myself" the three left without another word "how do you know who I am".

"I've spoken with some very bad people who said that you were going to destroy to world" he answered.

"Well I'm not going to destroy the world. The people who created me want me dead because they have a new weapon" I said "and Ragnarok is the name that the bad people gave me. My real name is Will Rogers".

"Rogers, like Steve Rogers" I nodded "Ya know, you were my next target. The people that I've spoken with said that you've killed people".

"Well that's bullshit; I've never killed anyone in my life. I've hurt bad people yes, but I've never killed them" I said "I can't say the same for you. What else have you heard about me".

"Nothin much. You know, you have quite a mouth for someone so young".

"And you know a lot for an ex marine" I retorted.

"How'd you know that".

"I'm reading your file right now".


"That's my power. I can access any online database" I said "look I think you have the potential to be a hero, but you can't be one if you're in prison. Those people out there, they are trying to keep you out of prison, so let them help you".

I turned and left the room.

"How'd it go" Foggy asked.

"He just wanted to tell me that I would've been his next target".

"What why" Karen exclaimed.

"He's spoken to people that have claimed that I've killed people for no reason. I told him that I've never taken a life".

"Do you need someone to walk you home".

"Nope; if you guys need anything else, just call" I left without another word.

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