Chapter 11

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A man in a black panther suit knocked me down. I shot a ball of fire at him, but he dogged it easily, along with everything else that I threw at him. Steve landed on the rooftop right next to me.

We were running again. I'd run a lot that day. Running down the freeway in the middle of traffic is never a good idea, so I wasn't sure why we were doing that. We hijacked a cop car and drove. The man in the panther costume latched onto the back or the car. Steve swerved to get him off, bumping into a few other cars. We crashed through a guardrail, and I flew from the car, tumbling across the pavement.

The cops surrounded us. War Machine came flying out of the sky. "You're a criminal, Cap" he stated with ice in his voice. The man in the Black Panther took off his mask, revealing Ta'challa, the prince of Wakanda.

Our weapons were taken, our hands were bound, and we were forced into armored trucks. We rode in complete silence. When we reached our destination, we were escorted down a hall. Tony, Natasha, and James were all there.

"Your weapons belong to the government" Tony said "and Will, since you can't be stripped of your powers, you have to go in a cell".

"You can't do this, Tony, you told me that you wouldn't do this" I shouted at him.

"This is for your own good" guards walked me to a holding cell. The door closed, and I slammed my fists against it. I used my powers to listen to what was going on in the conference room. Apparently they didn't account for that one power. No one did, not even the people that gave me the power.

"Tony, you put my daughter in a cell" Steve said accusingly.

"It's for her protection".

"Is it for her protection, or yours" Steve retorted.

"Tony, is Will okay" James asked. He sounded genuinely worried about my wellbeing.

"She's fine".

"How could she be fine. She's lived most of her life in a cell, and now the people she cares about are locking her up. How could that possibly affect her" Steve stated. That's all I could stand to listen to. Moments later, the power went out. I opened the door to my cell and got out of the building as fast as I could.

I made it to the ground floor, but James was in my way.

"I can't let you leave, sis" he said. A ball of ice was in his hand.

"You have no clue what you're talking about, James".

"I can't let you leave. If you leave, then I might never see you as a free woman again" he sounded more concerned than angry.

"I don't want to hurt you, but I will" I threatened. James knew that this wasn't an empty threat. He threw the ice at me. I melted it I midair.

"Just go, but just know that next time, I won't let you get away so easy" James stepped aside. I knew he had no desire to fight me. I rushed out onto the streets of Berlin, disappearing into the crowd. I had no ideas where I was going, but I eventually found my way to a park.

"Hey, kid, let's go" a man said from behind me. It had been a few hours since I'd escaped.

"I thought that you'd retired, Clint" I turned around to face the archer.

"Cap needs our help".

"A few hours ago, I was in a cell because I had powers, and now you want me to use them again".

"Yeah, now suit up, we have to go" we got into a white van. Scarlet Witch was there and so was another man that I'd never met. I looked the man up quickly.

"You recruited a kid" the man exclaimed.

"Scott Lang, aka Ant Man. You were a cat bugler and spent some time in jail because of it, right" I said, enjoying the look of shock that appeared on the man's face. I would definitely get along with him, but I liked to mess with people.

"Did someone tell you that" he man scooted back.

"No, I looked you up just now" I stated "Will Rogers".

I extended my hand.

"So you're the daughter of Captain America" he asked shaking my extended hand.


"How'd that happen".


"How is it possible that Cap has a teenage daughter, he's only been unfrozen for like four years".

"Hydra got some of his blood and created me with it in 1943, I was frozen until 2002".

"Sounds fun" he said nervously. I could tell that he was waiting for me to snap. Clint had probably warned him about this beforehand.

"No, not fun, violent and dangerous and cold" I snapped.

"Question, is she always like this" Scott asked Clint.

"Yeah, but once you know why, you accept it".

"What are your powers exactly" he asked.

"I can create fire and earthquakes and control computers with my mind".

"Then can I call you Flames".

"Whatever" I'd been called so many things that it didn't matter to me any more.

Scott shut up and fell asleep because he was suffering from severe jet lag. We stopped in a parking complex underneath an airport.

Steve, Sam, and Bucky were waiting for us.

"Thank God you made it out okay" Steve embraced me.

"Yeah hi, dad" my voice was flat.

"Hey tic-tack" Sam said to Scott. Scott stood there awkwardly, shaking Steve's hand. He was clearly meeting his childhood hero.

We went over the plan and split up. Steve and I walked onto the tarmac. Tony and Rhodey landed in front of us. Others slowly started to surround us.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this" Tony said "underoos".

Webs shot from the sky, ripping Steve's shield away from him and binding our hands. I knew those webs. My blood boiled in anger because Tony dragged Peter into all of this.

The red and blue figure of Spider-Man landed on a nearby vehicle with my father's shield in hand.

"Hey everyone" he said.

"What are you doing here, Peter" I yelled burning the webs that bound my hands.

"Will" I heard him breathe. He sounded shocked. Clearly no one had told him that I would be here. Scott was on Cap's shield and grew to full size, knocking Peter from the truck.

Both teams stood in lines.

Me, Cap, Bucky, Clint, Wanda, Ant- Man, and Falcon.

Tony, War Machine, Vision, Natasha, Black Panther, Peter, and James.

My team started running, and so did the other team. We were locked in battle. I was fighting my brother and my best friend. This had to be one of the lowest points in my life. "Peter, I won't fight you" I said. His aunt would kill me if I hurt him.

"Will, we don't want to hurt you" James said after I punched him.

"I don't want to hurt you either, I'm trying to protect the man that tried to keep us safe for seventy-two years" I yelled hitting him again. Peter had darted off and was fighting Falcon and Bucky.

I kicked James to his feet. "Stay down, or get hurt more. Dad would kill me if I hurt you too much" I walked off. Tony was down. James was down. The rest of us were still fighting.

That was when Scott grew to sixty feet tall. He held War Machine in his hand.

"Holy Shit" I heard Peter yell. I was thinking the same thing. I stood back to watch. Steve and Bucky were headed to a jet, I wouldn't be leaving with them though.

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