Chapter 12

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Peter was on Scott, wrapping his legs with webs. I rushed forwards to keep Peter from falling to his death. By this point, I wasn't sure who was on what side anymore.

Black Panther was in my way. He swiped his claws across my arm and my face. It barely missed my eye. I kicked him back a few feet.

My jacket slowly soaked up the blood from my arm, and the rest dipped into the ground. I threw a fireball at him, and he dodged it, like I expected him to. He kicked me down, and I landed on my back with a thud. I would definitely feel that for the next few days. The blood from my wounds ran into one of my eyes.

I looked up with with my one good eye, and I saw the destruction around me. Scott was falling. Black Panther was running towards a hanger. I looked to my right. Peter was on the ground, not moving. I scrambled to get to my feet, my muscles screaming at me to stop moving. I had to see if Peter was alright.

"Your aunt is going to kill me" I mumbled.

"It isn't your fault" he coughed.

"Somehow it is. I couldn't keep you out of our war".

"Will, I'm fine, just sore".

"I told Tony to keep you out of this" I mumbled.

"Will, behind you" Peter pointed over my shoulder.

"Will Rogers, you're under arrest for violation of the Sokovia Accords" one of the scary government men stated. They bound my hands and forced me into a helicopter with Clint, Scott, Sam, and Wanda. All of us were war criminals.

We were flown to the prison that Tony had shown me. It was the Raft. We were all taken out of the helicopter and forced to change into different clothes. My arm and face were soaked in blood, but the guards didn't care at all. They put a collar on me to keep me from using my powers. Tony really had thought of everything.

All of us were forced into cells, and the guards left.

"Is everyone alright" Clint asked, getting a few groans of anger and pain in response. Clint was in the cell across from me. Sam was to my left, and Scott was on my right. We all stayed silent.

"When I get out of here, I'm going to kick Tony's ass" I growled "he told me that no matter what, he'd never put me in a cell again".

"Hey, kid, how's your arm" Sam asked.

"I'm still bleeding" I sighed.

The door across the room opened, and Thaddeus Ross walked in. "You're all here because you are in direct violation of the Sokovia Accords" he said.

"We know, but the kid needs medical attention" Sam said.

"She can bleed to death for all I care" Ross growled.

"If you let her die, Captain America will kill you" Clint said. He was right. Ross stormed out. I tugged at my collar.

"Will, what are you doing" Clint asked nervously.

"I'm trying to get out of here before I bleed to death" I continued to tug at the collar. It zapped me. I let out a small yelp.

"Damnit" I whispered. Then I had an idea.

"Ross get back in here" I yelled at the security camera.

"Flames, what are you doing" Scott asked.

"Why are you calling me Flames" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you can throw fire, and you told me I could".

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. The door opened, and Ross stormed in.

"What do you want" he demanded.

"The Geneva Conventions" I was being vague for a reason.


"The Geneva Conventions. The rights for prisoners of war. We are technically prisoners of war, so you have to treat us fairly. Therefore, I deserve medical treatment. You're a military man, so you should know this" I crossed my arms, smearing blood across my shirt.

"You get a wet rag, and that's it" Ross left.

"Go Flames" Scott gave a small cheer.

"How'd you know that" Clint inquired.

"I may not go to school very often, but I can still learn stuff" I answered.

A guard came in and tossed a rag into my cell. I picked it up and wiped my face off. I winced. My face stung, but at least the cuts were clean.

I wiped down my arm and wrapped it with the rag. I laid facedown on the bed. For the next few hours, it was silent except for Scott's constant tapping. When the door opened again, Tony walked in.

"The futurist is here, gentlemen! He sees all. He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not" Clint announced mockingly. Tony then spoke quietly with him and Sam.

"Will, I get what you're going through" he started.

"Have you ever been on the other side of these bars" I asked, glaring at him.


"Then you don't know how I feel. You told me that no matter what I chose, you'd never put me in a cell. You've broken that promise twice in the last day".

"I can get you out of here, get you stitched up. Your brother is in the helicopter" Tony continued.


"I'm going after your dad".

"I won't help you".

"Your dad is going after a man named Zemo, and I think you know him".

Of course I knew him. He was a terrible person, I'd run into him a few times at Hydra.

"Fine" I sighed. Tony opened the cell, and I stepped out. The others gave me looks of betrayal. I promised myself that I would come back for them if I didn't die.

Tony handed me a stack of clothes. "Go change, and I'll stitch you up on the way to Moscow".

Ten minutes later, we were in the air, and Tony was fixing me up as promised. Then I punched him.

"What was that for" he whined, holding the bridge of his nose.

"For putting me in a cell. For dragging Peter into this mess. For everything that you've ever done and ever will do to hurt me" I said.

"I guess I deserved that then".

"Sis, I heard that you outsmarted Ross" James said, smirking.

"I told him that he had to give me medical attention because I was a prisoner of war, and the Geneva Conventions had to be applied".

"But they didn't give you medical attention".

"They gave me a wet rag so I could clean the blood off my face".

"T'Challa didn't hold back did he" Tony muttered.

"Is Peter alright" I asked.

"We got him home safe".

"Good" I leaned back. Tony pushed a button and his suit formed around him. He left. James and I sat in science until we got to our destination. It was a very old Hydra complex. We slipped inside through a ventilation shaft.

"Truce, Cap" I heard Tony say "I brought your kids".

I stepped out of the shadows, and James stayed behind me.

"Will, what happened to you" Steve demanded, looking at me.

"The King of Wakanda happened" I mumbled. We walked into a large chamber. There, behind glass, stood a man. This was Zemo.

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