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*12 years later*

"Sans.." I called through the rip. It had been forever since he'd came back, the last time he was in the echo room was when Ethan had just turned eight and they celebrated it by coming and playing with the flowers. I'd watched them in their day to day lives, yeah, but Sans just quit taking Ethan to see me, even if Ethan asked to go.

But they were there that day. It was Ethan's eighteenth birthday and he forced Sans to take him.

"We are going whether you're mad at mom or not do you understand me? I'm eighteen and I deserve the right to go see my moms grave, I don't care if you have some stupid grudge against her. I'm a man now so suck it up." Those were the exact words Ethan said to a very drunk and depressed Sans.

"Fine." Was all he could say because he knew what he'd been doing was wrong. They waited till he sobered up and they went into the very dirty and unkept underground and down into the overgrown area known as the echo room.

"It's been a while." Ethan sighed in an aloof manner as he sat on the bench in front of my grave. Sans sat next to him silently as the quiet over took the area except a few echo flowers repeating old conversations.

"It has... Hasn't it..." Sans whispered after the long drawn out silence. Ethan replied with a nod.

"Why did you stop taking me?"

Sans fell quiet as he stared at the flowers.

"You can't keep running from it."

"I could've saved your mother, I could have restarted this time line all over and you could have grown up with a mother." Sans stated rubbing his tired sockets as he hunched over. Ethan raised a curious eyebrow at him.

"Go on."

"It was right before your mother died that she told me she didn't want me to restart the timeline because she wanted you to have a life and not just take you from it as soon as you came to it. I became angry and selfish because I wanted your mom to be here; she's missing all of this because she wanted to save you over herself, and I resented her for it for the longest. I'm not saying I don't love you or that I wish you weren't born I just wish that she could've lived to see how great of a man you have become." Sans finally finished and Ethan stood staring at the ground.

"Why are you lying?"

"What a-"

"She's alive! You fucking know she's alive! You told me she was in the void with Grandpa don't fucking lie to me!"

"You were a kid I wanted to give you hope! She's dead Ethan!"

"No she's.... Fucking not." I spoke loudly through the rip and I started seeing the rip deepen once more as it had when Gaster would go through. Both of the boys jumped and Sans gasped slightly.

"I... I thought I was hallucinating." Sans started looking around in awe, "That's another reason I stopped coming because I though I kept hallucinating her voice."

"Well you... were fucking... Wrong." I stated as loud and best I could. I could see a slight light coming from the other side of the rip and I grinned.

"Mom..?" Ethan seemed awestruck, he started looking around frantically with hope filling his eyes.

"Yes, Ethan... it's me. If I... Keep talking loud... enough... I could probably get.. Through... the rip.." I kept talking as the light became bigger. They both noticed the black rip forming on the wall behind them, the dark void coming to light as I reached my hand out from the other side. I was close enough that the blue glow from the flowers eliminated my pale sickly skin and I gasped.

"Take... My hand!" I watched through the rip as Ethan ran towards me, leaving Sans with his jaw on the ground. Ethan grabbed my hand and did his best to finally pull me out of the dark. Once to the other side he pulled me into a tight hug, "Careful.. Bab..y.. I'm fragile." I laughed broke my and he buried his face in my neck.

"I missed you." He exhaled as I felt his shoulders shake and I smiled weakly.

"I... Missed you... too.." I couldn't help a slow glitches year fall down my face. "But.. I can't stay... Long... I must... Go back... I'm... Not strong.. Enough to.. Stay like... Gaster had.. There's two people... In the void now... So it was harder.... to get the... rip to... Open back up.. If been.... trying for... Seventeen years...." I spoke as much as I could handle without loosing breath and Ethan pulled away.

"I understand.. I'm just so happily to finally see you. Dad was right, you are gorgeous." He smiled, petting my hair softly. I felt my crooked mouth smile for the first time in years as my face heated up. "And sassy." He laughed slightly. I nodded and chuckled brokenly.

"I'm sorry.." We both turned towards Sans who had baby blue tears streaking down his cheek bones and I let out a sympathetic sigh.

"Oh, baby.." I hovered over to him and hugged him tightly and he hugged me back, his face buried into my hair and arms around me tightly. "I love.. You bone.. daddy." I stated, clenching his jacket tightly.

"I love you too, bone momma." I heard a soft chuckle in his words and I smiled.

"You guys are so cute imma puke." Ethan stated after a second, causing me and Sans to laugh. I kissed Sans on the teeth before turning to Ethan.

"I need to... go now, I can feel... the rip slowly... closing back and.... if it closes now... I'd probably die... for real." I stated, hovering over to the curtain of a wall.

"You better... Start fucking bringing... Him again... Ya hear..?" I stated, glaring holes into Sans and he cowered away, flustered.

"Ah, yes ma'am." "Good boy." I smiled and turned to Ethan again, hugging him one last time.

"I love you.. tae." I stated. He looked at me confused, "Tae?"

"Yeah.. I made.. You that.. Nickname when.. You were about... A month or.. So old." I smiled.

"I like it." He chuckled and I grinned.

"Good." I turned after saving and I slipped back through the curtain just before it closed on that side. I sighed, looking around the dark void in a sad manner before floating to my usual spot in the middle of the room. I sat my butt down on the dark grey floor before I took my pillow of static and laid to rest. Jumping time rips was tiring work for a distorted, depressed woman like me.

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